




How to prevent screen recording from iOS 18 onwards as isCaptured is deprecated from iOS 18 ?
I am developing an iPhone app related to finance and currently I am using isCaptured value to prevent screen recording by checking the isCaptured value and if it is true then I blur the video recording. It was working fine while using UIScreen.main.isCaptured till iOS 17 . But for iOS 18 it became deprecated and it is not working any more. Below is the obj-c code block. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *)launchOptions { if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) { BOOL isCaptured = [[UIScreen mainScreen] isCaptured]; if(isCaptured){ // Do the action for hiding the screen recording } } else{ // Fallback on earlier versions } return YES; } The replacement sceneCaptureState is working only for a scene-based app which uses UISceneDelegate lifecycle but it's not working for the old structure so now i have that problem, my iPhone app is very big and does not support scenes at all since we are following UIAppDelegate life cycle for years, what shall I do to prevent screen recording from iOS 18 onwards ? Note: My iPhone app does not support any scene configuration Please help me in this. Regards, Carol
Aug ’24