




Reply to SwiftUI Preview not rendering
Thank you for your assistance. It took me a while, but I finally figured out where the issue was. I had to reduce the entire project to its bare minimum, and only then did I discover that the problem likely lay somewhere in the configuration. The issue was that 'arm64' was listed under Excluded Architectures. Since I inherited the project, I was unaware of this setting. It's a pity that Xcode doesn't indicate such reasons, as it would simplify the process of identifying problems.
Nov ’23
Reply to SwiftUI Preview not rendering
Hi, I tried to remove most of the packages used via SPM and remove almost all custom code from AppDelegate but it didn't helped. Rest of libraries are not so easily removed so I am not sure if it's them or something else. I am attaching generated report from Diagnostics popup for Preview. And I am also adding link to sysdiagnoses but I wasn't sure if I am done this correctly. I used macOS manual because it's happening in Xcode for iOS simulator and with iOS real device Preview it's working correctly. Thanks for help
Nov ’23