




SwiftCharts Not Showing Accurate Data Until Tap Gesture on Chart
I am showing weather data in a TabView where each tab will show the forecast for that day and then an hour-by-hour Swift Charts of the temperature, chance of precipitation, and then dew point for that day. The day and a text description of that forecast correctly displays for each tab. However, the chart will only show the correct data if you perform a tap gesture on the chart. To reproduce this issue, I do the following: Tap on a day in the "Upcoming Week", preferably a day in the middle. Swipe a couple days to the left or right and use the tap gesture on one of the charts. Oddly, other data on the tab is accurate, it is really just within the SwiftChart. I did try doing a horizontal ScrollView instead but I had the same issue. I also followed the demo for SwiftCharts from WWDC. Below is code that shows the TabView: struct UpcomingDaysView: View { let forecastModel:WeatherModel @State var targetPeriod:WeatherForecastDayPeriod var body: some View { TabView(selection:$targetPeriod) { ForEach(forecastModel.dailyPeriods, id: \.self) {period in DailyViewChartDetail(forecastModel: forecastModel, periodToShow: period) .frame(alignment: .topLeading) .tag(period) } } .containerRelativeFrame([.vertical]) .tabViewStyle(.page) .indexViewStyle(.page(backgroundDisplayMode: .always)) .padding(EdgeInsets(top: 20, leading: 0, bottom: 0, trailing: 0)) } } } And here is the DailyViewChartDetail: struct DailyViewChartDetail: View { var forecastModel:WeatherModel var periodToShow:WeatherForecastDayPeriod var body: some View { VStack { Text("\(DateUtility.getLongerDay(date: DateUtility.getDate(stringDate: periodToShow.dayForecast.startTime)))") .font(.title2) Text("\(periodToShow.dayForecast.detailedForecast)") .font(.subheadline) .padding(5) HourlyViewChart(forecastModel: WeatherPeriodUtility.filterModel(forecastModel: forecastModel, targetPeriod: periodToShow)) .padding(5) Spacer() } .frame( alignment: .topLeading ) } } And then some of the more relevant code in the HourlyViewChart struct HourlyViewChart: View { var forecastModel:WeatherModel @State var range: (Date, Date)? = nil @State var rawSelectedDateTemp: Date? = nil @State var rawSelectedDatePrecipitation: Date? = nil @State var rawSelectedDewPoint: Date? = nil // ... more code Below is an image that shows the issue:
Jul ’24