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Hi, I am using StoreKit2 for managing subscriptions and while testing it works fine until the point when the subscription needs to auto-renew. When using StoreKit Testing Configuration and running the app through Xcode the auto-renew process works fine. On the other hand, when I disable StoreKit Testing Configuration and I use Sandbox environment (again through Xcode) then after my first period expires (1 month aka. 5 minutes) I keep getting Product.SubscriptionInfo.RenewalInfo.ExpirationReason.autoRenewDisabled This is a code block I use for loading latest subscription data // Product is StoreKit.Product for product in products { do { let statuses = try await product.subscription?.status guard let statuses = statuses else { continue } for status in statuses { let statusRenewalInfo = try checkVerified(status.renewalInfo) let statusTransaction = try checkVerified(status.transaction) guard let expirationDate = statusTransaction.expirationDate else { continue } // Here I am getting "autoRenewDisabled" status. if expirationDate < Date() { print("*** expiration reason: \(statusRenewalInfo.expirationReason?.description)") } } } } StoreKit2 (aka. Transaction API) is fantastic because of it's async-await syntax but I experienced a lot of problems with it such as this one and the one where it doesn't refresh subscriptions history properly so any advice would be helpful.
by Bero12.
Last updated