I have a client with M1 MacBook Pro (Monterey 12.1). We tested a lot of things found on the Internet but unfortunately the Outlook search was still not working. I don't know Mac very well, but I still tried to do the following manipulation:
1- Open Terminal
2- Run the command :
mdimport -i "/Users/username/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/"
3- After, I have run :
mdimport -i "/Applications/Microsoft Outlook.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Outlook Spotlight Importer.mdimporter" -d1 "/Users/username/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/"
4- Open Outlook
5- Try the search
For me, it worked
PS : I don't know if it's "Outlook 15 Profiles" or "Outlook 16 Profiles"
Sorry for my English, I am French ;)