




xcodebuild OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS --keychain search order
Hi,I am posting this in the hopes that it may save someone with a similar problem some time.A build was failing with the following error:Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile "FooBar" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Developer: foo bar (xxxxxxxxxxx)".The build was done on the command line with:xcodebuild OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS='--keychain /Users/me/Library/Keychains/Buildsystem' (and other parameters)Before each build we create the Buildsystem keychain and import the certificates needed fo the build into it. The keychain is then removed after the build.I could do the build locally and it would work, it was only on our build machine under jenkins that it failed.After spending a lot of time on this I found the cause was that there was another certificate in the builds machine's login keychain that was being used for the code signing even though we had provided a keychain with the correct certificate and told the codsigning to use it. After deleting the bad certificate from teh login keychain everything worked.So it looks like the -keychain has no effect or that codesigning searched the login keychain before the specified one.Is there anyway to change this behavior? The idea of using a special keychain for the build process was to avoid things like this.
Apr ’18