I’m just testing if this lets me comment
It was a great try, it didn't work.
Part 2:
Which if you didn't notice is setting it to 35 in the above code. So 0.1 seconds later it is set to 35. Great. If I press it again, as I am pressing it it grows to 75 then on release goes back to 35. I am gonna keep looking. Still thanks a lot. If you find any simple or good solution I would be happy if you would let me know.
Part 1: So I ended up testing your solution. Let me tell 😁 you, you get an A+ for effort. It works. However if I initially had the button set at a 75 font size and then when it got pressed I have this code
@IBAction func testX(_ sender: UIButton) { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + 0.1) { sender.titleLabel?.font = sender.titleLabel?.font.withSize(35) // really HUGE } }
Thank you so much. This is huge relief I was searching for hours! I am still testing it out. Very appreciated!