Hello,The same way there is a framework and API to add events and reminders to the Mac calendars, I'd like to know if there is an API to create notes from a custom application, so that they will later be accessible through the OS X Notes application ?Thank you.
Xcode 12 here. AddressBook labelled as deprecated but still present in Xcode 12 / Big Sur and my macOS app works fine on it. This is an app made in Obj-C that I sell on the Mac App Store since 2013, which I modernized progressively once in a while.
I now want to modernize it even more and replace AddressBook with Contacts to get rid of everything labelled as deprecated. In the Xcode objects list though, I can't find the CNContactPickerView to replace the old ABPeoplePickerView, although I linked the new Contacts framework to my project.
The doc says it's available in iOS and Mac Catalyst. Does it mean it won't be available for a genuine macOS project ?
If this is the case, how can I proceed, or should I just keep using AddressBook as long as it works ? In this case, for how long will Apple allow developers to use it ?
Thank you.