Hello Everyone,
We are using standard AVCapture APIs to take Photo from iPad
guard let availableRawFormat = self.manualSettingsView.photoOutput?.availableRawPhotoPixelFormatTypes.first
else { return nil}
Here we are getting empty type.
Since available raw format type is empty, photo settings is nil,.
Therefore, we are unable to capture photo for front camera in RAW format.
Is there any way to take photo from front camera and save image as RAW data.
Note: We can save HEIC,PNG etc, but we want to save as DNG (RAW)
Hello Gurus,
We would like to convert UIImage the raw binary data to string and reverse the string to UIImage object.
At most of the place we found below block.
extension String {
		func toImage() -> UIImage? {
				if let data = Data(base64Encoded: self, options: .ignoreUnknownCharacters){
						return UIImage(data: data)
				return nil
Is there any way to convert UIImage to String without converting JPG/PNG/HEIC ?
Hello Everyone,We faced the issue of app is not getting load due to Provisioning Profile got expired but our certificate expiry date is in future.As per below table, what should happen for pattern#1PatternCertificateProvisioning ProfileComment1ExpiredValidApp load might fail, ??????What will happen here.2ValidExpiredApp doesn't load, as confirmed earlier.We did not found any suitable documentation mentioning this above fact.Apperciate if anyone supports us in this.Thank you.