hello everyone,
I want to use the min() and max() function to limit the number of players to minimum 0 and maximum 10. But I'm starting in swift and I don't know the algorithm very well yet. Can you help me to do that?
Hello everyone, quick question, in Swift, how to limit numbers? I'm practicing on the creation of a game between 2 players, and I want the limit of health points of my characters to be exactly between 0 and 100. If my character loses health points, I don't want it to fall to -10 (negative) and on the contrary if he gains health points, I don't want it to exceed 100 health points.
I'm an beginner, I'm starting with Swift
There is my code :
class Character {
var name: String
var lives: Int // health points
var power : Int
init(name: String, lives: Int, power: Int) {
self.name = name
self.lives = lives
self.power = power
convenience init(){
self.init(name:"", lives: 100, power: 0)
// get heal //
func heal(anotherCharacter: Character){
if anotherCharacter.lives < 100{
anotherCharacter.lives += 20
// attack another character //
func attack(otherCharacter: Character){
otherCharacter.lives -= power
// MARK: - Soldier A
class SoldierA: Character{
override init(name: String, lives: Int, power: Int) {
super.init(name: "Daniel", lives: 100, power: 50)
// MARK: - Soldier B
class SoldierB: Character{
override init(name: String, lives: Int, power: Int) {
super.init(name: "Mark", lives: 100, power: 50)
// MARK: - Fight
let player1 = SoldierA()
let player2 = SoldierB()
player1.attack(otherCharacter: player2)
player1.attack(otherCharacter: player2)
player1.attack(otherCharacter: player2)
player1.heal(anotherCharacter: player1)
I want to check if the element 'Medic()' exists in my array.
`var array = [Medic(), AssaultSoldier(), Sniper()]
Thank you all.
Hello, For my third iOS project, I want to use the MVC design pattern. Until now the logic of my application was in viewController. My project is a calculator. I want to put the logic in a class named :" Compute " and manage the buttons in viewControler. But the problem is that I need to use the UIAlertController and the textView in the Compute class but I don't have access. Here is some of my code
the Compute class is empty for the moment.
// MARK: - Outlets
@IBOutlet weak var textView: UITextView!
@IBOutlet var numberButtons: [UIButton]!
// MARK: - Propriétés
var compute = Compute()
var elements: [String] {
return textView.text.split(separator: " ").map { "\($0)" }
// Error check computed variables
var expressionIsCorrect: Bool {
return elements.last != "+" && elements.last != "-"
var expressionHaveEnoughElement: Bool {
return elements.count >= 3
var canAddOperator: Bool {
return elements.last != "+" && elements.last != "-"
var expressionHaveResult: Bool {
return textView.text.firstIndex(of: "=") != nil
// View Life cycles
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
// MARK: - actions
@IBAction func tappedNumberButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
guard let numberText = sender.title(for: .normal) else {
if expressionHaveResult {
textView.text = ""
@IBAction func tappedAdditionButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
if canAddOperator {
textView!.text.append(" + ")
} else {
let alertVC = UIAlertController(title: "Zero!", message: "Already have an operator !", preferredStyle: .alert)
alertVC.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel, handler: nil))
self.present(alertVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
Hello, Can you help me please ?
I am creating a small application that displays the bus timetables of my city. I use UICollectionView to display all the timetables: from 06:00 in the morning to 00:30 in the evening. Buses pass every 30 min. Now I want my cells to scroll automatically according to the time of day, even if the application is closed. I want my cell that displays the next bus (e.g. 2:30 pm) to display at 2:00 pm and automatically scroll after 2:30 pm to display the next bus that comes at 3:00 pm etc. until 00:30 am. And after 00:30, I want to display the cell that shows 06:00). And the process continues ad infinitum. thank you
There my code :
`extension HomeViewController : UICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDataSource {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return busHoursList.count
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let busCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "busCellID", for: indexPath) as! BusCollectionViewCell
busCell.layer.borderWidth = 0.6
busCell.layer.cornerRadius = 15
busCell.layer.borderColor = CGColor.init(red: 170/250, green: 170/250, blue: 170/250, alpha: 1)
busCell.setupDepartureHours(withText: busDepartureHoursList[indexPath.row])}