I had the same exact issue. I fixed the issue by following these steps.
I found warnings for redundant/duplicate outlet connections to UITextFields of AthleteFormViewController in the Inspector Area and I deleted them as I already created my own IBOutlets for each of the textfields as per the book.
By doing the above, I was able to edit an existing Athlete cell but still was not able to add/create a new Athlete cell.
I did not change init?(coder: NSCoder) which Xcode suggested
I changed the function body of @IBSegueAction function by returning AthleteFormViewController(coder: coder, athlete: nil) instead of AthleteFormViewController(coder: coder)
@IBSegueAction func addButton(_ coder: NSCoder) -> AthleteFormViewController? {
return AthleteFormViewController(coder: coder, athlete: nil)
After making these changes, I was able to run the app successfully.
Thanks for your time!