




SecItemCopyMatching returns errSecSuccess but the result pointer is nullptr
Hey, guys! I am using C++ to write some MacOS code. I have added the data to the keychain with the SecItemAdd Here is the code snipped. CFStringRef DictKeys[] = {kSecClass, kSecAttrService, kSecAttrType, kSecAttrAccount, kSecValueData, kSecAttrDescription}; 				CFTypeRef DictValues[] = {kSecClassGenericPassword, ServiceRef, TypeRef, AccountRef, ValueRef, DescriptionRef}; /* Create a dictionary object that holds key-value parameters to store with the new credentials entry. */ 				CFDictionaryRef KeychainRef = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void *\*)DictKeys, (const void *\*)DictValues, 6, nullptr, nullptr); 				if (KeychainRef != nullptr) 				{ 						/* Create a new credentials entry in the default keychain of the currently logged in local user. */ 						const OSStatus Status = SecItemAdd(KeychainRef, nullptr); 						Result = OSStatusToResult(Status); 				} It actually works and I can see the entry in the keychain. 2. I call the SecItemCopyMatching to get the entry. You can find the code snipped below. CFMutableDictionaryRef Query = CreateSearchQuery(ServiceRef, TypeRef, AccountRef); 				if (Query != nullptr) 				{ 						CFDataRef DataRef = nullptr; 						const OSStatus Status = SecItemCopyMatching(Query, (CFTypeRef *)DataRef); 			 /* Here Status = errSecSuccess but DataRef = nullptr */ 						if (Status == errSecSuccess && DataRef != nullptr) 						{ /* Some code here ... */ 	 						} Here is the implementation of CreateSearchQuery 		CFMutableDictionaryRef CreateSearchQuery(CFStringRef ServiceRef, CFNumberRef TypeRef, CFStringRef AccountRef) 		{ 				CFMutableDictionaryRef Query = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, nullptr, nullptr); 				if (Query) 				{ 						CFDictionaryAddValue(Query, kSecClass, kSecClassGenericPassword); 						CFDictionaryAddValue(Query, kSecMatchLimit, kSecMatchLimitOne); 						CFDictionaryAddValue(Query, kSecUseAuthenticationUI, kSecUseAuthenticationUISkip); 						CFDictionaryAddValue(Query, kSecReturnData, kCFBooleanTrue); 						CFDictionaryAddValue(Query, kSecAttrService, ServiceRef); 						CFDictionaryAddValue(Query, kSecAttrType, TypeRef); 						CFDictionaryAddValue(Query, kSecAttrAccount, AccountRef); 				} 				return Query; 		} I have confirmed that ServiceRef, TypeRef and AccountRef have the same values as when SecItemAdd was called. Also It do returns non-empty Query I think it worth to notice, that SecItemDelete successfully deletes the entry with the same Query. MacOS version = 10.15.6
Oct ’20