




Add permissions for private entitlement
I have a pretty simply macOS application which I've just been trying to fix since a long time ago. It's origin is really old, using the apple 802.11 framework located in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Apple80211 and it's supposed to just scan the area and display information about the local networks nearby. For some reason when I run the application and press the button to scan for local networks (wifi scan) It errors out and in the Xcode console I get Process WiFiInfo is missing entitlement required for Wi-Fi user-client access: <key></key> <string></string> If I add those two lines to the entitlements, Xcode fails to sign my application and fails to build and run Provisioning profile "Mac Team Provisioning Profile: com.troger.WiFiInfo" doesn't include the entitlement. Any way I can fix this? I would really like to get this application back up to its running state as it once was before but am completely lost on how to fix this
Jun ’24
MacBook Pro crashing after logging in
So to start off I have a 2019 13” MBP and I enrolled into the MacOS 11 beta as soon as it came out. The beta was working flawlessly until yesterday when I decided to ipgrade from Xcode 12 beta 2 to beta 3. I updated it and opened the app. I was working on an Xcode project however it was running really slow. So I tried to force quit the app, but even force quit could not close it. Then, I just held the power button until it shut off. I press power again, my MacBook boots up. Now here’s the issue: I type my password in, the text field goes away, and before the progress bar even shows up, the Mac just crashes and automatically boots into recovery mode. It says enter password to unlock disk “Macintosh HD - Data” so I type my password in. It then says an internet connection is required to verify this startup disk. So I connect it to my wifi and hit try again and it restarts and brings me back to the login screen. And they cycle repeats. I type my password in, it hangs for about a second and then crashes back into recovery. What’s even more frustrating is that I cannot even boot into safe mode. I type my password in and it crashes again. I spoke with a representative and we tried resetting PRAM and SMC. We booted into recovery and ran first aid. I tried to reinstall macos from the recovery options but it claims I need an additional 30gb free space on top of the 30gb that I have. I tried to do internet recovery but it when I hit reinstall macOS (Catalina) I agree to terms and then it said choose location to install macOS and no location would show up. My guess is because you’re trying to install Catalina on a big sur beta which means essentially downgrading which isn’t something you can do. I wouldn’t normally even hesitate to reset it however stupid me did not make a proper recent backup. My latest backup was from over 100 days ago. I have my desktop and documents backed up to icloud so that’s good but equally as important to me is my music (~/Users/“username”/Music) folder which contains dozens of my Logic Pro X projects which sadly apple does not give us an option to back that up to iCloud. There’s no way I can loose those. Please any help/advise/suggestions?
Aug ’20