could be a system bug? since looks like the infinite "close" send from _NSThemeCloseWidget, no stack of the App is involved...
Thanks, OOPer. I remove the observer in the notification block. Btw: I just saw this crash once and there have call stacks of the system only, also I am not sure when there is -[NSWindow _finishClosingWindow] when launching my App.
Thanks, OOPer. I just do [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self] inside the block. There are only call stacks of system libraries in the crash log, not my own app stack involved. I only see this crash once.
Btw: why I can see NSWindow _finishClosingWindow when launching my App?
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersion]
Thanks OOPer, I just wan to compare the app path for different OS version:
std::vector<Config> gConfigs = { {@APP_PATH, @OSVersion}, ...};
In the compare:
if (@available(@OSVersion, *) {...}
Is there any avaiable API?
Thanks, Eskimo.
The testing code is intentional not for singleton, just want to confirm there is no memory leak if I did so:)
Ok, I have solved this problem by myself. Please ping me if anyone wants to know.
Hi eskimo,My library was integrated with a system extension developed by another team, I just want to debug it quickly without code change due to I already have dSYM and source code.
Thanks, eskimo:PHow about if I don't have the source code?
Thanks, John for your clarification.
Hi eskimo,Glad to see your reply:)Actually, I want to create the shell script to do so(delete App), but I can still see the system extension after reboot.
A big thank for your clarification, eskimo.Yes, I'm using concurrent queues in my App without label, so far the tasks are running concurrently, however, they may run serially according to you description above.Anyway, I have to set label for concurrent queue in order to guarantee it works as expected alway?
Thanks, eskimo.Because I need to analyze the sample log of Apps, such as deadlock..., it's confusing me if the info of dispatch queue is incorrect.
I am encountering the same issue, anyone found the workaround? Thanks!
Thanks a lot, eskimo.