To me it also looks like related to the analysis during build time only by the fact that this warning happens on a simple build with no run, which has nothing to do with run time life cycle events in which the custom transformer might be registered. I hope we will get some more info on this.
I have submitted a Feedback via the Feedback assistant to the Xcode team. Will update as soon as I have a response.
Perfect, thank you. I also experiment with this ( approach which works but yours is cleaner.
As of iOS 17.2 the use of .disabled(i > 3 && i < 8) no longer works. This might be an iOS bug in 17.2 as in 17.0 it works but for this reason I am updating this answer and will update if it gets resolved by Apple. For now I went back to using a custom @ViewBuilder described here
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation that all makes sense, I just wanted to make sure that I’m not missing something cool in DocC that could be beneficial in this case. Using a separate target makes perfect sense.
Ok, but how come the same is not true for the input22 string which is again "a" + emoji (different one). Looks like it works for some emoji symbols only, which is quite strange.
I am currently going with the iterate over the string approach, but still I am trying to understand there is a different results when checking the two strings "a🥀" and "a😀".
Yes of course, the feedback number is: FB15218828