




Apple cannot check signed bundle for malicious software
I have an App bundle that I signed with the certificate I received from my boss. despite signing and verifying it. it doesn't run on our test Mac without changing the trust settings. It gives an error saying that apple cannot check it for malicious software and software needs to be updated. this is the result of running the code sign verification: `codesign --display --requirements - --verbose=4 ./ Executable=/Users/*removed*/Documents/test/ Identifier=com.*removed*.*removed*/ Format=app bundle with Mach-O thin (arm64) CodeDirectory v=20400 size=582872 flags=0x0(none) hashes=18208+3 location=embedded VersionPlatform=1 VersionMin=851968 VersionSDK=852736 Hash type=sha256 size=32 CandidateCDHash sha256=*removed* CandidateCDHashFull *removed* Hash choices=sha256 CMSDigest=*removed* CMSDigestType=2 Executable Segment base=0 Executable Segment limit=48218112 Executable Segment flags=0x1 Page size=4096 Launch Constraints: None CDHash=*removed* Signature size=9060 Authority=Developer ID Application: *removed* Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Timestamp=*Removed* Info.plist entries=15 TeamIdentifier=*Removed* Sealed Resources version=2 rules=13 files=475 designated => identifier "com.*removed*.*removed*" and anchor apple generic and certificate 1[*removed*] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[*removed*] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = *removed*` I removed some info as I'm not sure if it'd be safe to share online. I apologize. The projector is written in c++ and uses wxWidgets for GUI
Jul ’23