I need to run sceneView.projectPoint a couple of 100 times in a loop, it freezes my app regularly... not always. Sometimes it freezes for a second sometimes for 10 seconds.Any ideas?
I have a very mysterious issue, my microphone recording is fine on iPhone X but is very very low volume on iPad pro.
It's not the microphone or the distance to the device or anything like that.
My AVAudioRecorder settings are as followed:
let recordSettings = [ AVFormatIDKey: kAudioFormatLinearPCM, AVEncoderAudioQualityKey : AVAudioQuality.max.rawValue, AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey : 16, AVNumberOfChannelsKey : 1, AVSampleRateKey : 44100 ] as [String : Any]
If anyone knows a solution I would be very grateful.
I'm using .setTitle on a button to change the text. Unfortunately every time I do so the font and it's size also change.
I assume this is a bug. I can't seem to get the font before I change the title and then set it back afterwards either.
I'm trying to get the proper field of view from ARKit during an AR session.
The sceneview camera does not return the proper field of view, but the ARFrame camera really only returns a projection matrix.
I found a calculation online but the results are different values for x and y. Most 3D application just have a single setting for the camera's field of view.
Does anyone know how to get this *(I'm assuming it changes each frame as the camera focusses?)