Hello! It took me a very long time to come up with a solution for installing Tensorflow on an Apple Mac M1, but i finally did it. I have written instructions, so that others maybe do not have to go through this tedious frustration ;).
My approach is different to the mentioned one, as I already have Anaconda installed and I did not want to delete it.
python installed, preferably between 3.8 and 3.10
anaconda installed
create new environment in anaconda navigator, with python version 3.9 (I called the environment tf)
activate the terminal of the environment
write conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps
write conda install pip in terminal
figure out where the pip executable is (in my case it is /Users/Alexander/opt/anaconda3/envs/tf/bin/pip)
now to the crucial part: the newest releases don't really work in my experience. Therefore previous versions are installed. Creds to @dweilert.
write "/Users/Alexander/opt/anaconda3/envs/tf/bin/pip install "tensorflow-macos==2.9"" in terminal
write "/Users/Alexander/opt/anaconda3/envs/tf/bin/pip install "tensorflow-metal==0.5"" in terminal
That should be it. I hope I could help.