
Post not yet marked as solved
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How the heck do I find posts I made before this new forum was created? The links at the top of the page are: Developer Discover Design Develop Distribute Support Account Search The small avatar only has edit profile nothing to allow me to find content I have previously contributed. I could attempt to search for my username but this too is not something I know based on the information provided to me. I use several around the web and will keep a note for this forum after I submit this post. Hopefully the learning curve for this new forum is small.....
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Post marked as solved
7 Replies
I am new to Mac OS programming. I have an Swift app I would like to create and the user will need to select a group of files/folders. I have done this using to select files that I can use in the app. I have managed to do this using a NSOpenPanel and modal window. I would prefer to do this using the File menu. I have found the Application Scene in Main.Storyboard but I have been unable to find any resources that desvcribe how I can connect code to the menu and then use it to open the folders/files as the openPanel does. Frankly most of the searching I have done turns up iOS content which does me no good, so I am questioning my ability to even frame my questions properly for search engines.Can anyone point me to decent resource(s) ? Thanks,Chip
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Post marked as solved
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HI,I am interested in evaluating an iOS app that uses contacts in the simulator and the simulator contacts database has only 6 contacts. Is it possible to add 50-100 contacts to the simulator's contacts database (prefer not to do it one at a time)?
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