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Sorry to bother, but I guess there might be something wrong. I added a Widget Extension in Xcode 14.2 to my macOS applicaiton the way the official document told me to. However, I found it in surprise that the function of previews is not supported? Quite confusing. Is there something wrong with this implementation? Diagnotics: UnsupportedMacAppExtensionTypeError: Widget extensions are not supported Xcode does not support previews in a macOS Widget extension extension: AppExtension(bundleIdentifier: "com.louisstudio.WidgetHub.ProjectWidget", displayName: "ProjectWidgetExtension", kind: PreviewsPlatforms.AppExtension.Kind.homeScreen, signingInformation: Optional(Code Signing {   identifier: com.louisstudio.WidgetHub.ProjectWidget   identity: 04FFDADBA91F279D4A0CC823B283DC1115BF09DB   hasGetTaskAllow: false   isSandboxed: true })) I haven't modified anything yet. Everything is exactly what the template of a Widget Extension is like. macOS Version: 12.6.2 (21G320) Xcode Version: 14.2 Hoping to get help. Thanks.
by Aeilot.
Last updated
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Hello, I started a project using SpriteKit in Playground. However, there's an error "Unable to get image data for SKSpriteNode"code: func createPlayer(){ player.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "nurse.png") player.size = blockSize! player.position = CGPoint(x: self.size.width * 0.5, y: self.size.height * 0.5) player.zPosition = 300 self.addChild(player) }My image name is nurse.png, it is correctIs there something wrong?
by Aeilot.
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Hello everybody, I found this wonderful challenge and I would like to take part in it.However, I surprisingly found that, there's no information about the type of the type of the Playground on Xcode.Which one should I use? iOS? Or macOS?Thank you.
by Aeilot.
Last updated