Testing on iPhone 12 mini, I have encountered a weird situation. I am try to take snapshot of my view, which works fine but the memory is never released after the snapshot is taken.
func screenshot(view: UIView, scale:Double) -> URL? {
guard let containerView = view.superview, let containerSuperview = containerView.superview else { return nil }
let rendererFormat = UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat()
rendererFormat.scale = scale
var renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(bounds: containerView.frame, format: rendererFormat)
let image = autoreleasepool {
return renderer.image { context in
containerSuperview.drawHierarchy(in: containerSuperview.layer.frame, afterScreenUpdates: true) //memory hog starts from here
guard let data = image.heicData() else {
return nil
//more code to save data to file URL and return it
initially it appears to work normally but as soon as I change the scale:
rendererFormat.scale = 10 I can see a spike in memory but the problem is then the memory is never released even after the image is saved. so initially, the app uses: 35MB memory -> when processing the memory usage jumps to expected 250MB to 300MB to process large image -> after processing the memory goes down to around 90MB to 120MB but it never really returns to it's original 35MB state.
Is this a bug or this is expected?
If this is expected behaviour then is there any low level API to free the memory after it's job is done.
Hi, I notice a very slow transfer rate when I try to transfer a file picked via .photosPicker. This happens especially when I try to import a 4k/60fps video.
VStack {
Button("Pick a video") {
model.isPhotoPickerView = true
.photosPicker(isPresented: $model.isPhotoPickerView, selection: $model.selectedImageList, maxSelectionCount: 1, matching: .videos)
.onChange(of: model.selectedImageList, { old, new in
View Model to handle Photo Picker action:
private class PageModel: ObservableObject {
//other methods
public func handlePhotoPicker() {
if selectedImageList.isEmpty {
guard let item = selectedImageList.first else {
Task {
do {
if let video = try await item.loadTransferable(type: VideoTransferable.self) {
let file = video.url
//video url arrived
} catch {
//handle error
Now the VideoTransferable :
struct VideoTransferable: Transferable {
let url: URL
static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation {
FileRepresentation(contentType: .movie) { video in
importing: { received in
//takes too much time to import large 4K video recorded from iPhone's main camera
let copy = FileManager.documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent(FolderType.temp.rawValue).appendingPathComponent("video_\(Int64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)).MOV")
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: copy.path) {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: copy)
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: received.file, to: copy)
return Self.init(url: copy)
To my surprise this issue doesn't happen when I use a custom UIViewControllerRepresentable to wrap UIImagePickerController() and setting videoExportPreset property of the picker to AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough
Can someone point me out where I am wrong?
Hi, I love VideoMaterial API that gives so much power to play video on any mesh. But I am trying to play a side-by-side 3D video usingVideoMaterial:
RealityView { content in
let mesh = MeshResource.generatePlane(width: 300.0, height: 300.0, cornerRadius: 0) //generate mesh
let vidMaterial = VideoMaterial(avPlayer: AVPlayer(url: URL(string: "https://someurl/test/master.m3u8")!)) //VideoMaterial
vidMaterial.controller.preferredViewingMode = .stereo //<-- no idea why it doesn't work for SBS video in simulator
let planeEntity = Entity() //new entity
planeEntity.components.set(ModelComponent(mesh: mesh, materials: [vidMaterial])) //set a new ModelComponent to the entity
this code works well for plain 2D video playback but how do I display a Side-by-Side or Top-Bottom 3D video?
I found GeometrySwitchCameraIndex in custom ShaderGraphMaterial but if I use input node as a image texture then how do I pass the video frame as texture into my custom shader to achieve the 3D effect or maybe there is an even better way to deal with this?
There seems to be additional API .preferredViewingMode on the VideoMaterial's controller that can be set to .stereo but it doesn't give any stereo effect. Perhaps it's only for MV-HEVC media playback?
Hi, I am trying to stream spatial video in realtime from my iPhone 16.
I am able to record spatial video as a file output using:
let videoDeviceOutput = AVCaptureMovieFileOutput()
However, when I try to grab the raw sample buffer, it doesn't include any spatial information:
let captureOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
//when init camera
captureOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: sessionQueue)
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
//use sample buffer (but no spatial data available here)
Is this how it's supposed to work or maybe I am missing something?
this video: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10071 gives us a clue towards setting up spatial streaming and I've got the backend all ready for 3D HLS streaming. Now I am only stuck at how to send the video stream to my server.