




Can't contact Apple Developer even with phone support
Hi, I tried very hard to contact Apple through email since my apple developer account suddenly get a "Notice of Termination" email from Apple but Apple haven't response me 9 days ago. I'm really troubled with it. I even asked my friend to use his developer account to access to developer support portal but after receive a call from Apple, its just an automatic robot response try to make me press "1". After that Apple did call back but immediately hang up after 10 seconds ringing phone. Even if i tried to get it instantly, no one talks to me and ended up the call after 10-15 seconds. Tried like 10-15 calls and still unable to get Apple support to talk to me. What am i supposed to do to get Apple support me through phone number or email? They literally ignore me. Anyone know what is the best way to contact them?
Aug ’20