




Xcode Devices and Simulators Window did not shown Apple Vision Pro in the list
Firstly, everything is ok. I have been connected Apple Vision Pro device to the Xcode via wireless network, also build my app in past several weeks. But since yesterday, I can not connect Apple Vision Pro device to my Xcode anymore. The device did not listed in Devices and Simulators window. I have tried: Update my Xcode to 15.3 Reboot my Mac and Apple Vision Pro Reset Apple Vision Pro also erase all data Other Macs in the same network also did not list any Vision Pro device I'm sure Vision Pro and Mac are in the same network, and it worked before. I go to Settings - General - Remote Devices, and open Xcode's Devices and Simulators window, still can't see any Apple Vision Pro device.
Apr ’24
StoreKit SKPaymentQueue restoreCompletedTransactions always failed in Sandbox
I'm implementing iap using StoreKit. Everything is ok, but restore all transactions. What console log when failed to restore is shown as: Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred, NSUnderlyingError=0x281308690 {Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=5002 "An unknown error has occurred." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error has occurred.}}} I have tried log out and switch other sandbox account, reboot the device. It doesn't work. Any one help?
Sep ’23