




Comment on Why doesn't SwiftUI TextField currency format seem to work for Euros (EUR)?
No further insights, unfortunately, though it's been a while since I've looked closely at this issue and in the meantime I have just decided regrettably not to support the currencies that don't format correctly. Given how close we are to WWDC my plan is to wait to see whether the issue still exists in the new releases of the operating systems (hopefully they've been fixed) and, if the issues do still exist in the betas, to file a feedback.
May ’22
Comment on Is it possible to dynamically update the currency formatting of SwiftUI TextField?
Thanks, @anils, that got me part of the way there. When I run your solution on both macOS and iOS (not in the simulator, but actually running it on my devices in both cases), the TextField shows “GBP 0.00” on launch. If I delete the contents of the TextField and type “100” it resolves to “GBP 100.00”. So far so good. When I change the currency in the CurrencyPicker to e.g. NZD the TextField changes to display “NZD 100.00”. Fantastic – at this point I thought the issue had been solved. But then if I type anything else in the TextField, e.g. if I delete what's there and type “200”, the formatting reverts to GBP e.g. “GBP 200.00” (although the underlying value for currency and amount.currency and the value displayed in the Picker will all remain .NZD). Funnily enough, although I initially thought this was at least some progress, when I went back to my original code I realised that my original code did the same thing (i.e. the formatting would initially update when the Picker value was first changed, but would revert as soon as something else is typed in the TextField). Interestingly, I did notice a slight difference between macOS and iOS. In your solution, the CurrencyAmount View takes a binding to an Amount struct which has value and currency properties. It also has a separate @State variable for currency which it passes to the CurrencyPicker instead of $amount.currency. And then it uses the .onChange modifier to keep currency and amount.currency in sync. On macOS, I can simplify your solution, delete the @State variable for currency, and just pass $amount.currency to the Currency Picker and get the exact same effect (example code below). But on iOS, the below code results in the Picker continuing to display the initial selection even when the underlying value is changed. So your additional step seems necessary on iOS but not on macOS. For what it's worth, here's my code that had the same effect as @anils' suggestion on macOS but not on iOS. import SwiftUI struct Amount { var value: Decimal var currency: CurrencyCode } struct ContentView: View { @State var amount = Amount(value: Decimal(), currency: .GBP) var body: some View { NewCurrencyAmount(title: "Some label", amount: $amount) } } struct NewCurrencyAmount: View { let title: String let prompt: String = "" @Binding var amount: Amount var body: some View { HStack { Spacer(minLength: 80) TextField(title, value: $amount.value, format: .currency(code: amount.currency.rawValue), prompt: Text(prompt)) NewCurrencyPicker(selected: $amount.currency) Spacer(minLength: 80) } } } struct NewCurrencyPicker: View { @Binding var selected: CurrencyCode let label = "Currency" var body: some View { Picker(label, selection: $selected) { ForEach(CurrencyCode.allCases) { Text($0.rawValue) .tag($0) } } } } enum CurrencyCode: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable { var id: String { self.rawValue } case AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, NZD, USD }
Jan ’22
Comment on How to declare a TableColumn with nullable field?
I have the same issue trying to include a TableColumn for a property of type Date? and @nbenzie1's suggestion of simply not including the value argument in TableColumn solved it for me. I use an if let conditional to pass either a DatePicker or Text view to the TableColumn's content closure and it displays correctly. But it creates a different problem. It seems like it's not possible to sort by a TableColumn that does not include a KeyPath passed to the TableColumn's value argument. If I pass my optional date KeyPath/property to the TableColumn's value, it won't build, but if I omit it it won't sort. Is there a way to get a SwiftUI Table to be able to sort by a column of optionals?
Nov ’21