Thank you for your reply!After consulting further with one of my advisors, I think I got ahead of myself with this question. I will regroup and repost.
Thanks for your reply!The .dmg file is signed. It was signed on a system running Sierra.Does this sound like a problem with the signing or does the app inside the DMG perhaps needs to be notarized in order to the quarantine problem?
Thanks for your reply!Bundling the data inside the app and asking the user where to write the data isn't a good option for us.The .dmg file is signed It was signed on a system running Sierra.Does this sound like a problem with the signing or does the app inside the DMG perhaps needs to be notarized in order to the quarantine problem?
Thanks for your reply!The app and dmg are not notarized. The .dmg file is signed. It was signed on a system running Sierra.Does this sound like a problem with the signing or does the app inside the DMG perhaps needs to be notarized in order to the quarantine problem?The app was written for my organization by a subcontractor who is no longer available, and we don't have the source code, so we're stuck with the data file where it is.Downloading the data file at first run does work, I am trying to figure out if there is a way to avoid that.
Thanks! Can you offer any advice on how to submit a disk image for notarization? I have found many articles that talk about the requirements for notarization but not that specifcally describe how to request notarization. Thanks much for any furher advice you can offer.
Thank you!