I am new to deep learning, so at first I thought it must be an error with my code. After testing with a code example I know to work, I discovered I have an issue very similar to this. The produced images are nonsensical - often some noise centred around the middle of the image. I am using the latest version of TensorFlow(2.9.2) and the metal plugin (0.5.0), and macOS Monterey (12.3).
The code I used is here https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-2-and-Keras/blob/master/Chapter%206/VanillaGAN.ipynb
Below are images of the result using the Metal plugin at epochs 1 & 5 (larger epochs have also been tested)
Running this code in an environment using standard TensorFlow (without the macOS/metal plugin) does not produce the same error. It also works on Google Colab fine.
Many thanks for your reply.
Currently I am using standard tensorflow (without the metal plugin & running on CPU) without any issues. I haven't tried your workaround, but I think you're right that it's the GPU calculations going wrong, so it makes sense using tf.device('CPU: 0'): would work too. So at least we have two workarounds for anyone else who encounters this issue.
Thank you for your help!
I think we would all appreciate some information on this. Many of the issues have been around for well over a year, with no mention of resolution.