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Hello, I need to be sure we are doing correct. Can we clarify we can present list of available subscriptions and current subscription to the user in the iOS app where we don't use any payments inside. We have payments only on the web page. Basically our subscriptions allow users to extent hardware devices our consumers buy at us. It's clear for us that we are not able to call for actions for payments and we are not able to user other payment methods in the app. But it's not clear for me if we are allowed to show subscriptions without any action for payments. Here is Description of Business Model In one of the first submissions of our app to the app store about 5 years ago we clarified our business model in detail during the review and it was confirmed that it is fine for this model to collect a fee outside of the app. The main reason was that the value creation happens fully outside of the app. The model did not change since. We are happy to describe here our business model in more detail. The Solar Manager System comprises a hardware,, a backend, a web application and an app (the one under review). The hardware gateway is optimizing the own consumption of solar systems in residential homes. This hardware gateway is locally installed in the home of the user and communicating to many home appliances (battery, PV inverter, car charger, …). The main value creation to the end user is that his home appliances are controlled such to optimize for highest solar consumption and in some cases dynamic electricity tariffs. This means our hardware is starting / stopping / controlling theses devices locally directly via different interfaces. Different algorithms are running directly on the hardware to perform such optimizations. Our backend and web front-end are used to configure the devices and prioritize devices according to the user need. For the first year in 2018 our system was running without any app. It was only hardware, backend and front-end. Also we have a support team answering questions and phone calls from users that have a problem with the system. For this system we have a one time fee to buy the hardware device that is then installed locally in the home of the user. Additional we have a yearly fee to cover cost for data storage, development costs of backend and front-end, and to cover our support. This fee is collected through a payment system in our backend. It can be accessed from the front-end. Depending on the amount of data stored, number of external devices connected to our hardware and the amount of support given to the user there are different levels for the fee. The fee is directly related to the data storage cost, the backend needs, and the support effort. The fee is not collected for digital content consumed through the app. Thanks.
by shevchykv.
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I have camera device in Wifi mode AP. I'm connecting to that device via Wifi using NEConnection to specific port. TCP protocol. Then using API I'm building specific message, converting them to Data and sending to Camera device. We have 2 ports, one for messages other for data transferring. Issue is: While receiving data from device we have speed ± 160 KB/s, but android with the same configurations has 2MB/s. Why it happens, does Apple makes some speed limitation? Could it be related to Wifi as it doesn't has internet connection? NWConnection constructor: static func createConnection(host hostAddress: String, port portInt: UInt16) -> NWConnection {     let ipv4: IPv4Address = .init(hostAddress) ?? .any     let host: NWEndpoint.Host = .ipv4(ipv4)     let port: NWEndpoint.Port = .init(rawValue: portInt) ?? .any           let tcpOptions: NWProtocolTCP.Options = NWProtocolTCP.Options.init()           return .init(host: host, port: port, using: .init(tls: nil, tcp: tcpOptions))   }
by shevchykv.
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Hello. I'm working on application for managing accessories our partner manufactures. I'm developing PoC of WAC provisioning and I chose HomeKit for that. I'm trying to add our accessory using addAndSetuppAccessories with payload(url) I took from accessory QR code. But is doesn't work. On some devices calling method produces nothing in logs, on some I receive log: [default] Failed to deserialize object of classes: {( HMAccessorySetupCompletedInfo )}, from data {length = 135, bytes = 0x62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050607 ... 00000000 0000005b }, with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4865 "requested key: 'root'" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=requested key: 'root'} Apart of logs my view controller appearance changes as like some modal controller is going to be presented over it. But never happens. There is no information on Apple Developer web site or stackoverflow or any other resource. How can I resolve it? As a developer of iOS app should I have MFi license? Should I include some specific entitlement? (Entitlement for HomeKit already included) Please help. Thanks in advance.
by shevchykv.
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Hello. I'm working on application for managing accessories our partner manufactures. I'm developing PoC of WAC provisioning and I chose HomeKit for that. I'm trying to add our accessory using addAndSetuppAccessories with payload(url) I took from accessory QR code. But is doesn't work. On some devices calling method produces nothing in logs, on some I receive log: [default] Failed to deserialize object of classes: {( HMAccessorySetupCompletedInfo )}, from data {length = 135, bytes = 0x62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050607 ... 00000000 0000005b }, with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4865 "requested key: 'root'" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=requested key: 'root'} Apart of logs my view controller appearance changes as like some modal controller is going to be presented over it. But never happens. I found that I should add "" entitle ment to the identifier. But Xcode 12.x doesn't see it. Please help. Thanks in advance.
by shevchykv.
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Hello. I need to connect manufactured accessory that supports WAC provisioning to user's network. How it could be done? What frameworks, certificates, entitlements or algorithms should I use to make it work? Is there any documentation how it works? Thanks in advance.
by shevchykv.
Last updated