




Anchor the whole object
We can use AnchorEmpty to fix RealityView in one place, such as a wall. Now I hope that it can not only be fixed in one place, but also fill the whole place with RealityView by stretching. For example: My RealityView is a picture, which is now anchored to the wall, and ARKit will stretch the picture according to the size of the wall. How to achieve the whole wall? Thank you!
Feb ’24
Developer's Vision Pro
Apple launched the Developer Strap on the developer's official website, which allows developers to connect Vision Pro and Mac with USB-C, but I can't get it in China, so I want to ask developers who already have Vision Pro or People who understand these questions: Can Vision Pro without Developer Strap be debugged wirelessly? If so, How is the experience of unlimited debugging? and how does it compare with wired connection? Thank you!
Feb ’24
Follow the body
In visionOS project, How does the model in RealityView track a certain part of the body, such as left foot, right leg, left arm, etc., and store the position information of the model moving in the following part in a variable (in order to realize the transmission of body part information in the call). Please let me know if Apple publishes a document about the Persona virtual camera.
Jan ’24
TipView can't show
import SwiftUI import TipKit struct ChatRoomView: View { @StateObject private var socketManager = SocketIOManager() @State private var inputText: String = "" @StateObject var viewModel = SignInWithAppleViewModel() @Binding var isCall: Bool @State private var isSheet = false @State private var ShowView = false var learnlisttip = KeyTip() @Binding var showShareSheet: Bool @Binding var codeshar: String var body: some View { NavigationStack{ VStack { if let roomCode = socketManager.roomCode { ZStack{ VStack{ HStack{ Text("Room Key: \(roomCode)") .font(.title) .onAppear{ codeshar = roomCode self.isCall = true } Button(action:{ self.showShareSheet = true }, label:{ Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up.fill") .accessibilityLabel("Share") }) } .padding(20) TipView(learnlisttip, arrowEdge: .top) .glassBackgroundEffect() .offset(z: 20) Spacer() } List(socketManager.messages, id: \.self) { message in Text(message) } TextField("input", text: $inputText) Button("send") { socketManager.sendMessage(roomCode: roomCode, message: inputText) inputText = "" } } .sheet(isPresented: $showShareSheet) { let shareContent = "Open SpatialCall, Join this Room, Key is: \(codeshar)" ActivityView(activityItems: [shareContent]) } } else { HStack{ Button(action:{ withAnimation{ socketManager.createRoom() } }, label: { VStack{ Image(systemName: "") .symbolRenderingMode(.multicolor) .symbolEffect(.appear, isActive: !ShowView) .font(.largeTitle) Text("Add Room") .font(.title3) } }) .buttonStyle(.borderless) .buttonBorderShape(.roundedRectangle) .padding(.horizontal, 30) .glassBackgroundEffect() .offset(z: 20) .scaleEffect(1.5) .padding(60) Button(action:{ withAnimation{ self.isSheet = true } }, label: { VStack{ Image(systemName: "phone.badge.checkmark") .symbolRenderingMode(.multicolor) .symbolEffect(.appear, isActive:!ShowView) .font(.largeTitle) Text("Join Room") .font(.title3) } }) .buttonStyle(.borderless) .buttonBorderShape(.roundedRectangle) .padding(.horizontal, 30) .glassBackgroundEffect() .offset(z: 20) .scaleEffect(1.5) .padding(70) } } } .onAppear { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.0) { withAnimation { self.ShowView = true } } } .sheet(isPresented: $isSheet){ VStack{ Text("Join Room") .font(.largeTitle) Text("You need to get the key to the room.") TextField("Key", text: $inputText) .padding(30) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) Button(action:{ socketManager.joinRoom(roomCode: inputText) self.isSheet = false }, label: { Text("Join Room") .font(.title3) }) .padding(50) } .padding() } .sheet(isPresented: $socketManager.showRoomNotFoundAlert) { Text("The room does not exist. Please check whether the Key you entered is correct.") .font(.title) .frame(width: 500) .padding() Button(action:{ self.socketManager.showRoomNotFoundAlert = false }, label: { Text("OK") .font(.title3) }) .padding() } } } } In the above code (this is a visionOS project), when I click Share, it can't display Sheet normally, and TipView can't be displayed either. Why?
Jan ’24
Strange visionOS Simulator
I found that my visionOS Simulator is very strange. Many functions and features are missing. For example, I learned from the Internet that the immersive scenes of Environments in their visionOS Simulator can be opened, but I click There was no response after the attack. There are not only these, but also many system features. I saw on the Internet that other developers have them, and I am missing. I'm worried that this will have an impact on me when testing my app. May I ask why? Some information: My updated Xcode version is the latest Xcode15.1Beta. Device: iMac (2021) Simulator system number: 21N305
Jan ’24
Can't play Audio in RealityComposerPro
I hope to be able to display the USDA model in RealityComposerPro and play the Spatial Audio. I used RealityView to implement these contents: RealityView{ content in do { let entity = try await Entity(named: "isWateringBasin", in: RealityKitContent.realityKitContentBundle) content.add(entity) guard let entity = entity.findEntity(named: "SpatialAudio"), let resource = try? await AudioFileResource(named: "/Root/isWateringBasinAudio_m4a", from: "isWateringBasin.usda", in: RealityKitContent.realityKitContentBundle) else { return } let audioPlaybackController = entity.prepareAudio(resource) } catch { print("Entity encountered an error while loading the model.") return } } but when I ran it, I found that although can displayed the model normally, Spatial Audio failed to play normally. I hope to get guidance, thank you!
Jan ’24