




Crash during startup [CBUUID initWithData:]
The crash logs for my app show an occasional crash that happens during the launch of the app. The highlighed line is "CoreBluetooth -[CBUUID initiWithData:]. The stack trace ends with "static AppDelegate.$main()". My app does use Core Bluetooth, but there are no Bluetooth related functions in the App Delegate. Also, my app does not use [CBUUID initWithData:] explicitly anywhere. With a stack trace that contains no reference to any of my code, it is extremely difficult to figure out what is going on. I cannot reproduce the crash on any of my own devices. One of my affected users says the app crashes on startup on his phone consistently, even if he deletes and reinstalls it.
Best way to determine region?
My app downloads files from AWS S3. What we'd like to do is replicate our files across several of Amazon's data centers (regions) to put the content closer to our users, who are worldwide. What I need is a way to determine in a very ***** way which data center would be best to use. For example North America, Europe, Asia, etc. I don't want to use location services since I don't really need the exact location. Is there a simpler way to do this? I suppose I could use the localization settings, but I don't think that's really guaranteed to represent their actual location. Thanks, Frank
Hashable class extending NSObject?
I have some Swift classes in my project that extend an Objective-C base class, which in turn extends NSObject. I did this years ago when Swift was new in order to take advantage of some Objective-C code that was difficult to rewrite in Swift. It's not a common situation but it has been working fine for a long time. One of these classes is used as the key to a Dictionary and thus needs to be Hashable. The way I did this was to implement an == function and override the 'hash' property. It is a very simple case where the identity of the object is based on a single integer: static func == (lhs: FishModel, rhs: FishModel) -> Bool { return lhs.fishId == rhs.fishId } override var hash: Int { return fishId } I believe that I initially tried to add "Hashable" to the class definition but was told it was redundant. I'm not sure why that is, but it worked fine without it. Today I took the latest Xcode update to 15.2, and now my project won't compile anymore. The compiler error says that my class "does not conform to protocol Hashable". Adding Hashable to the class definition did not fix it. There are also some unusual errors about missing files, such as abi.json, swiftdoc, swiftmodule, and swiftsourceinfo. Was this caused by the Xcode update? How do I fix it?
Jan ’24
App for personal use?
I wrote an app for my own personal use. It is loaded onto my iPhone as a debug build and I also have a build on my Mac. These builds expire every few months and force me to go back into Xcode and rebuild them. Is there a better solution? I am not an enterprise and don't have a business account, I'm just an individual developer.
Dec ’23
Xcode won't remember my Git credentials
I can't get Xcode to permanently remember my Git credentials. It remembers them for as long as Xcode is open, but when I close it and re-open it later, it prompts me for the credentials again. I don't see any kind of an option to save them. I use the 'git' command-line program on my computer and I've stored my credentials there, but Xcode doesn't seem to be able to access them that way. How can I get Xcode to remember my credentials?
Aug ’23
Image asset not recognized in interface builder
I added an asset catalog to an old iOS project that I'm in the process of updating. The app was originally created before asset catalogs existed. I added an image and an icon set to my catalog. The icon works, and the image shows up when I run the app, but Interface Builder doesn't recognize the image by name when I type it into the Image field on an imageview. I'm guessing that there is something somewhere which causes interface builder to read an asset catalog, which is probably not set on my old project, but I can't figure out what it is. Thanks, Frank
Jun ’23
Stack buffer overflow error using JSONDecoder
I'm using JSONDecoder().decode(T.Type, from: data) to decode a JSON response from a server. It works in some cases but eventually my program crashes with the error "Stack buffer overflow". The size of the JSON data I'm trying to decide is about 16k, which is large, but not unusually so. The decode is happening in a non-main thread, but I tried pushing it into the main thread with the same results. Most of these crashes occur in the simulator rather than on a real device, but I'd like to figure out the problem anyway. I thought I'd try dispatching the work into a queue with a larger stack size, but I couldn't figure out how to make one. Is it possible? Thanks, Frank
May ’23
How do I call UNUserNotificationCenter asynchronously?
Hi, I'm trying to learn how to use asynchronous functions in Swift. I've used async functions in other languages such as C#, so I understand the general concept. I want to call getPendingNotificationRequests on UNUserNotificationCenter asynchronously, so I wrote this: let notificationCenter = UNUserNotificationCenter.current() let requests = await notificationCenter.getPendingNotificationRequests() This seems to match the examples I see in documentation, but it doesn't work. All I get is a compiler error that says "Missing argument for parameter 'completionHandler'". What am I doing wrong?
Apr ’23
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
An app I've been working on for weeks suddenly started giving me this error when I try to archive it: "Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code" I tried cleaning the build folder, restarting Xcode, and restarting the computer. The app compiles and runs, it just won't archive. I deleted the entire project folder and re-cloned it, that didn't fix the problem either. My coworker is able to archive the same project on his computer without any problem. The only difference we can find is that my computer has Xcode 14.3 and he has 14.2 Unfortunately I have no idea what the error message means. I think it might have something to do with Pods, but I didn't install the pods, and don't really understand how Pods work. Is this a new bug in Xcode 14.3? What's the fix? Thanks
Mar ’23
Xcode won't save my source control credentials
My company uses Beanstalk, a commercial provider of Git repositories. Within Xcode, there is no option to add a Beanstalk account. When I open Xcode and try to do a VCS operation, Xcode prompts me for my username and password. From then on it works normally except that when I close Xcode and reopen it, it prompts me for the credentials again. The Git command-line tool doesn't do this. It saved my credentials in the keychain when I first ran it, and doesn't ask me for them anymore. Is there any way to get Xcode to either use the credentials stored by the Git command line app or store the credentials itself? I've tried contacting the people who run Beanstalk but they couldn't help me. Thanks, Frank
Mar ’23
Popover view won't close keyboard
I have a popover view containing a tableview, and inside of the tableview are various UITextFields. If one of the text fields is selected and the keyboard is showing, and I swipe downwards on the popover view, the popover closes, but the keyboard remains visible. I updated my viewWillDisappear method on the view controller to have it issue a resignFirstResponder to the active input view when the popover closes, and although this code gets called, it doesn't close the keyboard. The problem only exists on an iPhone. When I run the same code on an iPad, it works as expected (tapping outside of the popover view closes both the view and the keyboard). If I dismiss the popover myself after issuing resignFirstResponder, that works. It is only the case where the user swipes down to dismiss that the problem appears.
Mar ’23