
Post marked as Apple Recommended
I've had a little personal utility running for several versions of macOS that uses let client = CWWiFiClient.shared() if let ssid_name = client.interface()?.ssid() to get the current SSID name and prints it (along with a bunch of other active network details. With the most recent Sonoma Beta 2 and Xcode beta 2, this always returns nil. Doing the same thing in a playground works as expected. Is this a purposeful change or a bug I should file?
by ehemmete.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
5 Replies
I'm would like to make a copy of a folder with files and folders in it before I do anything to them. When I naively fileManager.copyItem() I get errors about .DS_Store files already existing (I think the Finder might be creating them before the copy gets to it). The destination directory is empty at the start of the process. Is there any way to tell copyItem to overwrite? Is replaceItemAt() a way to do this, with backupItemName set to the original name and withoutDeletingBackupItem set in options? That seems so convoluted. Is there a better way?
by ehemmete.
Last updated