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Does this make any sense whatsoever? What does it mean? 'knobColor' is deprecated: first deprecated in macOS 11.0 - Use NSScroller instead
by applegg.
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MacOS, 10.15, Objective C.I'm trying to update a functioning linear NSPathControl to not using deprecated cells. Simply replacing NSPathComponentCell by NSPathControlItem displays properly, but clickedPathItem doesn't work, aparantly because of the copy property. I need the index in the path array, so I tried indexOfObject using the clickedPathItem object and the pathItems array. No go. You can see why by looking at the following:- (IBAction)pathControlSingleClick:(id)sender { NSPathControlItem *pcc = [self.pathControl clickedPathItem]; if(pcc == nil) return; // Path Control clicked, but nobody is home. NSArray *items = self.pathControl.pathItems; if(items == nil || [items count] == 0) return; // Double CYA. NSUInteger clickedIndex = [items indexOfObject:pcc]; [self.sftpManager.pathArray shortenToLength:clickedIndex]; [self updataPathComponentArray]; [self updateListing];}selfRTPServerUploadWindowController *0x1006100b00x00000001006100b0pccNSPathControlItem *0x6000000268400x0000600000026840NSObjectNSObject_secretCellNSPathComponentCell *0x600003303de00x0000600003303de0cells__NSArrayM *@"3 elements"0x0000600000cf0810[0]NSPathControlItem *0x6000000269d00x00006000000269d0NSObjectNSObject_secretCellNSPathComponentCell *0x6000033020800x0000600003302080[1]NSPathControlItem *0x600000026f300x0000600000026f30NSObjectNSObject_secretCellNSPathComponentCell *0x600003303de00x0000600003303de0[2]NSPathControlItem *0x600000025ca00x0000600000025ca0NSObjectNSObject_secretCellNSPathComponentCell *0x600003303b600x0000600003303b60clickedIndexNSUInteger9223372036854775807The secretCells in the array do contain a matching item, but the NSPathControlIem objects do not. Any suggestions for a workaround? Bug report time?Addendun: I tried asking for the URL of clickedPathItem, but got nil;
by applegg.
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Our app uses CALayers for chart builds. We use temporary CALayers to apply backgroundFilters to highLight specified areas using a custom filter. In Big Sur, they quit working. We updated to metal, thinking that deprecated methods could be the problem. No go. We then tried installing standard filters, e.g., CIColorInvert, for testing. No go either. The filters seem to install, but have no effect. Has something changed with CALayer backgroundFilters?
by applegg.
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Trying to update my CIFilters. The project absolutely refuses to set MTLLINKER_FLAGS. Says it's already defined somewhere, who knows to what. Should I take XCode's word for it? Wassup?
by applegg.
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MacOS 10.15.3Has any progress been made on these new archivers to make them actually work for non-secure archiving? i'm still using the deprecated methods because the new NSKeyedUnarchiver using "NO" for secure coding doesn't work. This is in a core data managed object awakeFromFetch. I've put in a compiler switch to flip between these types of archived data blocks for testing. NSError *error; self.primitivePropsData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:theProps] requiringSecureCoding:NO error:&error]; if(error != nil) NSLog(@"%@", error.description); NSError *error; archivedDict = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchivedObjectOfClass:[NSDictionary class] fromData:propsData error:&error]; if(error != nil) NSLog(@"%@", error.description);It complains of getting an NSValue:2020-03-19 13:47:57.502593-0500 iQPresenter[16029:9943402] Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4864 "value for key 'NS.objects' was of unexpected class 'NSValue'. Allowed classes are '{( NSDictionary)}'." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=value for key 'NS.objects' was of unexpected class 'NSValue'. Allowed classes are '{( NSDictionary)}'.}
by applegg.
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MacOS 15, 14 target. Latest XCode.I created a new non-document CoreData app using XCode template. Added in two persistent classes, FileServers and Server, from another (previously working) app to isolate some issues. No other model objects. I get 4 errors, one for each class and meta class:duplicate symbol '_OBJC_CLASS_$_FileServers' in: /Users/gordonapple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SimpleSFTPClient-bknoaunyaxmtbnatoytyifidspjy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Users/gordonapple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SimpleSFTPClient-bknoaunyaxmtbnatoytyifidspjy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ attempt: Deleted the two managed object classes and used XCode's "Create Managed Objects Subclasses" and get:Showing All MessagesMultiple commands produce '/Users/gordonapple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SimpleSFTPClient-bknoaunyaxmtbnatoytyifidspjy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/':1) Target 'SimpleSFTPClient' (project 'SimpleSFTPClient') has compile command with input '/Users/gordonapple/Ed4U Projects/SimpleSFTPClient/SimpleSFTPClient/SimpleSFTPClient/Model/Server+CoreDataProperties.m'2) Target 'SimpleSFTPClient' (project 'SimpleSFTPClient') has compile command with input '/Users/gordonapple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SimpleSFTPClient-bknoaunyaxmtbnatoytyifidspjy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/'Any idea what is going on here?
by applegg.
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Mac 10.15.1. Where exactly should this be defined? I've tried adding it to the offending files and putting it just prior to references, to no avail.'QCCompositionLayer' is deprecated: first deprecated in macOS 10.14 - Quartz Composer OpenGL API deprecated. (Define QC_SILENCE_GL_DEPRECATION to silence these warnings)
by applegg.
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We've been trying to update an app that contains SFTP access to servers. It uses libssh2. We get the following error:cannot link directly with dylib/framework, your binary is not an allowed client of /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib for architecture x86_64Is this a 32-bit issue, or something else? What does "not an allowed client of mean"?
by applegg.
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.MacOS. App used SFTP to manage (maybe several) servers. I set these up in a CoreData object at the application level. I had been storing each password along with ID and path info, using bindings from a NSSecureTextField for pw. That no longer works and the password is no longer stored. A standard NSTextField does work. So it is obvious that something has changed, and they apparently don't like the vulneravility and are enforcing something new here when you use a NSSecureTextField. So I need to use keyChain? How do I go about doing this and retreive the password in my SFTP code when accessing the server?
by applegg.
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