
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hello there, I'm struggling with the following issue since Xcode 15 arrived and haven't been able to solve it. I have a go library c-archive library which I'm using in a iOS app and build were OK until Sonoma updated came last year. I updated all my go libraries and go runtime to latest version and still facing issues: my make script as follows: ios-arm64: CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=ios GOARCH=arm64 SDK=iphoneos SDK_PATH=xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path CARCH="arm64" CC=$(PWD)/ CGO_CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode" go build -v -buildmode=c-archive -ldflags="-s -w" -gcflags=all="-l -B" -tags ios -o $(IOS_OUT)/btfs.a . If there is anything else you need I can share more details. Thanks!
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Post marked as solved
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Hello community! I created an app with a golang shared library which runs a mkdir command at start. The app is working properly on emulator but not on physical device, looks like the emulator is properly sandboxing (wrapping) the shared library but in my iPhone I get a permission denied error (probably due to the app trying to write on File system) How can I reproduce the same sandboxing approach on my physical iPhone as in the emulator? Below you can see how the path for each looks like: Emulator installation path(All goo here): /Users/simbadmarino/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E6258FFC-CA3F-4B7F-BAAE-DDF717096A91/data/Containers/Data/Application/6BA771DD-BE68-454A-926E-A525188CBE38/.btfs Phone installation path(Permission errors here): /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/CB3B300F-07D8-4641-A6FA-4F584D4C6530/.btfs
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