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In my app I get a UIImage for a PHAsset via PHImageManager.requestImage(for:targetSize:contentMode:options:resultHandler:). I directly display that image in a UIImageView that has preferredImageDynamicRange set to .high. The problem is I do not see the high dynamic range. I see the HDRDemo23 sample code uses PhotosPicker to get a UIImage from Data through UIImageReader whose config enables prefersHighDynamicRange. Is there a way to support HDR when using the Photos APIs to request display images? And is there support for PHLivePhoto displayed in PHLivePhotoView retrieved via PHImageManager.requestLivePhoto?
by Jordan.
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Is it possible to get the original date created for an IntentFile? The following code always gets the date for right now, surely because it's copied into a temporary directory so that's when it was created at that location. if let fileURL = file.fileURL, fileURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { if let attributes = try? FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: fileURL.path), let date = attributes[.creationDate] as? Date { print(date) } fileURL.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() }
by Jordan.
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I have an iOS app and I added Vision Pro as a supported destination. I'm ready to add an app icon. When I select my existing AppIcon there's no option to add visionOS assets to it. I went ahead and created a new visionOS App Icon titled VisionAppIcon. Now how do I configure the project to use VisionAppIcon for visionOS while continuing to use AppIcon for iOS? When I select the target and go to Build Settings there's Primary App Icon Set Name currently set to AppIcon. When I run the visionOS app, no app icon appears. If I change that to VisionAppIcon then it appears of course. But I don't see a way to add variants for it other than Debug and Release.
by Jordan.
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With UIKit you can open a window via drag and drop by creating a UIDragItem with an NSItemProvider and NSUserActivity object in a collection view. Is there a similar SwiftUI API to open a window by dragging out a view from a grid? Or can we only manually invoke openWindow from a button?
by Jordan.
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I have an accessoryCircular Lock Screen widget built for iOS 16: ZStack { AccessoryWidgetBackground() VStack { Text("MON") .font(.caption) Text("6") .font(.title) } } When run on iOS 17 it renders an error “Please adopt containerBackground API”. So I changed it to: VStack { Text("MON") .font(.caption) Text("6") .font(.title) } .containerBackground(for: .widget) { AccessoryWidgetBackground() } This causes the error to go away but the circular background is no longer visible (tested with iPadOS 17b2). What’s the right way to implement this?
by Jordan.
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We are creating a watch party app that allows you to video chat with your friends and play a YouTube video at the same time. The video is played using Google's youtube-ios-player-helperlibrary which uses a WKWebView with their iframe API, as that's the only way to play it without violating the Terms of Service. We need the ability to change the volume of the YouTube video separately from the video chat, so you can hear your friends over the video for example. Unfortunately it's not possible to directly change the volume because iOS does not support changing the volume via JavaScript -, unlike macOS. Setting volume doesn't do anything and getting it always returns 1. Users can change the volume with the hardware buttons but this applies to all audio including the video chat, not just the YouTube video. Someone found a workaround - to get the underlying AVPlayer and change its volume natively. This worked with UIWebView but does not work now that it uses WKWebView. What can be done to change the volume of the YouTube video?
by Jordan.
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Our app is not localized but we want to begin the localization process starting with push notifications we are going to integrate. The documentation notes: you can store your message strings in the Localizable.strings file of your app bundle and use the title-loc-key, subtitle-loc-key, and loc-key payload keys to specify which strings you want to display String Catalogs in Xcode 15 supersedes Localizable.strings. How do you support this when using String Catalogs? Do you just manually add a Localizable.xcstrings file to your project then manually add a new entry for your loc-key, and the system will find this string without issue? Or will we need to have a Localizable.strings file too?
by Jordan.
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I’m implementing App Shortcuts in my iOS app to allow you to add and find plants. In attempt to get a “Find Plants” shortcut, I created a query that conforms to EnumerableEntityQuery and set that as the defaultQuery in my PlantAppEntity. I have the typeDisplayRepresentation set to TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Plant", numericFormat: "\(placeholder: .int) plants"). I added a Localizable.stringsdict to the app target, added Plant and %lld plants as the header comments shows, then clicked Localize so now English is selected in the Localization section. But when I run the app then open Shortcuts and tap my app, there’s a Find Plant shortcut, but I expected it to be titled Find Plants. When I tap the info button it shows “plant” instead of “plants” in every parameter description. When you add that action to a shortcut the placeholder is All Plant, unlike similar shortcuts from Reminders and Contacts that say “All Reminders” and “All Contacts”. The action is working properly as it returns an array of plants, the only issue is it’s using the singular form of plant in places it should be plural. Have I done something wrong, am I missing anything, or is this a bug? (FB12908309)
by Jordan.
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In iOS 17 when you search Spotlight for Notes you can see it has an App Shortcut titled New Note that simply opens the Notes app and starts composing a new note. When you open the Shortcuts app, create a new shortcut, search for and tap Notes, notice the New Note action is ONLY included at the top - it's not in the list of actions underneath. There is another intent in the list titled Create Note which will create a new note using the content you specify without opening the Notes app. I want to achieve this same thing in my app - an App Shortcut to open the app and start creating a new item, and a shortcut action to create a new item without opening the app. How can this be done? So far I have created two AppIntents, NewItem and CreateItem. My AppShortcutsProvider only includes NewItem. This works great when searching for my app in Spotlight. But when I open Shortcuts and go to add an action from my app to a shortcut, it includes Add Item at the top as an App Shortcut but also in the actions list underneath. Create Item is included in the list as well which is confusing. I don't want Add Item to be an available action because it's fairly useless to open the app and start creating an item, instead they should use Create Item to create an item in the background. Do I need to instead create a single shortcut that behaves differently in Spotlight vs Shortcuts, is that possible?
by Jordan.
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I have an app that uses NSPersistentCloudKitContainer and a widget that displays a record. I want to add a button with interactive widgets in iOS 17 to modify the visible record via an AppIntent. When I do this the app logs: CoreData: debug: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate managedObjectContextSaved:](2945): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x2818002a0>: Observed context save: <NSPersistentStoreCoordinator: 0x280a05180> - <NSManagedObjectContext: 0x281a00410> It does not automatically sync this change to iCloud, not until I manually return the app to the foreground, even if I delay returning from the perform() function. Is there a way to sync NSPersistentCloudKitContainer while the app is in the background as a result of this change triggered in the widget? Thanks!
by Jordan.
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The updated Photos access dialog in iOS 17 states: Photos may contain metadata, such as location, depth information, or captions. How do I access the caption a user added to a photo in my app? This wasn’t possible in iOS 16, is there new API in 17? I previously requested this ability via metadata in FB10205012 and via PHAsset in FB8244665. If it remains inaccessible I’ve submitted FB12437093 to request captions be removed from this wording.
by Jordan.
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During WWDC Q&As I asked how I could add an inspector to my UIKit app that’s using UISplitViewController with a double column style featuring a sidebar and detail view controller. I initially tried a full-height inspector (by putting my split view controller into a SwiftUI view and applying the inspector on that, embedding that into a UIHostingController to be the rootViewController) but this caused a bunch of UI bugs (seemingly related to optimizations made for a size class that doesn’t match the actual appearance) and it doesn’t extend into the NSToolbar on Mac Catalyst anyways. I now want to try implementing the under-the-toolbar solution. An engineer said: For an under toolbar appearance, you should be able to use .inspector on the detail view controller (after wrapping it in a SwiftUI view), but you may have to do manual toolbar management here (hiding and showing) to make sure you don't end up with stacked toolbars/UINavigationBars I have indeed run into the problem with two navigation bars in my inspector. I want to keep the navigation bar visible in the detail screen, but I do not want any navigation bars visible in my inspector since I’m going to provide my own button to toggle the inspector (via a button in the detail on iOS and an NSToolbarItem on macOS). Is this layout possible? I tried applying .toolbar(.hidden) on the inspector’s view but this doesn’t do anything, there’s still two stacked navigation bars (tested on iPadOS 17 beta 2). I think even if that worked it would only hide the inner navigation bar, I’d still have an undesirable navigation bar. :/ Wishing there were a UIKit API I could avoid the interop complexity ha In the sample project attached to FB12447791, the root view controller is a UISplitViewController. The primary view controller is a UINavigationController containing a sidebar. The secondary view controller is a UINavigationController containing a UIHostingController whose root view is a SecondaryColumnView. SecondaryColumnView is a Form that has a button to Toggle Inspector, a navigation title, and an inspector. The inspector is a Form that has .toolbar(.hidden). I've provided several screen recordings in the feedback report as well. Thanks for your help and insight!
by Jordan.
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I have a UIKit Mac Catalyst app, optimized for Mac idiom, with an NSToolbar manually added to the windowScene. Is it possible to implement a full-height inspector sidebar with this setup? It seems to always appear underneath the toolbar in my testing. Even if I remove my NSToolbar and let the system create a toolbar from a NavigationStack. It works on iOS - stretches all the way up the window splitting the app into two columns. var body: some View { NavigationStack { AnimalTable(state: $state) .inspector(isPresented: $state.inspectorPresented) { AnimalInspectorForm(animal: $state.binding()) } .toolbar { Button { state.inspectorPresented.toggle() } label: { Label("Toggle Inspector", systemImage: "") } } } }
by Jordan.
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I believe when trait collections were first introduced, the values were unknown initially, so you could put code that accessed those values in traitCollectionDidChange because it always changed from unknown to known values. An iOS update changed this behavior to provide an estimated initial value, so traitCollectionDidChange would only get called if its value changed from its initial value. This required us to optimize for the trait collection in viewDidLoad for example to handle its initial value and handle changes in traitCollectionDidChange. In iOS 17, it’s stated if you access traits before the view is added to the hierarchy, the values won’t be up-to-date. It’s recommended to use viewIsAppearing instead of viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear. traitCollectionDidChange is still invoked but deprecated replaced with a new registration API to be informed when a value changes. My question is, will the code written using the previous approach still work when compiled with the iOS 17 SDK? Meaning, does the system still provide an estimated initial value and inform you if it changed upon getting added to the view hierarchy? Or is this a breaking change in behavior that will require us to rewrite our logic moving code that accesses the traitCollection from viewDidLoad to viewIsAppearing (and be really careful in doing so because this function is called every time the view appears not just once)? Are there any scenarios where the code written for iOS 16 would stop working once compiled for iOS 17 if you access trait values in viewDidLoad and handle changes in traitCollectionDidChange? I’m trying to understand if I can keep my existing code and use the new approach going forward or if I need to revisit existing code that utilizes trait collections. Thanks!
by Jordan.
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