
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi, We aim at delisting our MacOS app from the Mac App Store, so that it is no longer available for new users, while maintaining uninterrupted access for our existing MacOS user base. However, this MacOS app is associated to an iOS app in the same app group. Our current challenge lies in the process of removing the older MacOS app from sale without affecting the availability of the associated iOS app. We have explored the "remove from sale" option in App Store Connect, but it appears to be common to both MacOS and iOS, preventing us from delisting the MacOS app separately. We'd like to understand if there is a way to remove the MacOS app from sale without impacting the associated iOS app. If there are any alternative solutions or best practices that can help us achieve this, we would greatly appreciate your advice. Any advice or suggestions you can provide would be highly appreciated !
by JessicaR.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hello, Question on iOS that seems unsolvable to us: We initially implemented ATT (App Tracking Transparency) on our iOS app for advertising purposes (including the use of NSUserTrackingUsageDescription). In the "Privacy" configuration of the app store, we declared the use of tracking data. Due to a change in strategy, we want to remove it as we do not use IDFA. Problem: Since we declare the use of tracking data, Apple refuses app submissions without ATT. To be able to uncheck this use of tracking data, it requires having a live version of the app without the use of NSUserTrackingUsageDescription and without ATT. Have any of you already encountered this situation and see a way out of this vicious circle? Many thanks for your help, Jessica
by JessicaR.
Last updated