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Hi All I have some customer sound file named as .x-wav / .x-m4a, when specify sound file with extension .x-wav, like content.sound = [UNNotificationSound criticalSoundNamed:@"mysound.x-wav" withAudioVolume: 1.0]; it will play defaultcrititicalsound. if I tried content.sound = [UNNotificationSound criticalSoundNamed:@"mysound.wav" withAudioVolume: 1.0]; then it worked
by Jeff Lu.
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Hi There, I am trying to execute curl command on my new MacOS Monterey with M1 chips, however, it always return operation time out, after looking console. it always return deny error, what exact issue here? please advise. Thanks, 33903 default 09:09:22.396852-0500 mDNSResponder [Q32359] InitDNSConfig: Setting StopTime on the uDNS question 0x12d052ee8 <mask.hash: 'wSjsuyOuBULV+n0q4hvt6g=='> (Addr) 33904 default 09:09:22.396939-0500 mDNSResponder [R783->Q32359] Question for <mask.hash: 'wSjsuyOuBULV+n0q4hvt6g=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 10 ..... 33908 default 09:09:22.397845-0500 mDNSResponder [R783->Q41400] DNSServiceQueryRecord(<mask.hash: 'Zt0Dfjkfx+hqh/cHBsrRZA=='>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<mask.hash: 'FZFu42G57UktPrvr3UXg+w=='> 33909 default 09:09:22.398360-0500 mDNSResponder NEHelperTrackerAddIPForAllFlows: completed for app <3204 : c503c325-b8b3-3347-a7d9-a23f985c05ae> <app approved 0> <is_tracker 0> 33910: default 09:09:22.398627-0500 mDNSResponder [R784] DNSServiceQueryRecord(1D000, 0, <mask.hash: 'CoyLiMJQSrpXFOpv0J8zIA=='>, AAAA) START PID[3204](curl) 33911 default 09:09:22.400837-0500 mDNSResponder [Q38525] InitDNSConfig: Setting StopTime on the uDNS question 0x12d8670e8 <mask.hash: 'wSjsuyOuBULV+n0q4hvt6g=='> (AAAA) 33912 default 09:09:22.400906-0500 mDNSResponder [R784->Q38525] Question for <mask.hash: 'wSjsuyOuBULV+n0q4hvt6g=='> (AAAA) assigned DNS service 10 ..... 33915 default 09:09:22.402347-0500 mDNSResponder [R784->Q38525] DNSServiceQueryRecord(<mask.hash: 'wSjsuyOuBULV+n0q4hvt6g=='>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<mask.hash: 'OO9mkVDVIpCZBZePhqX+rg=='> 33916 error 09:09:22.403017-0500 kernel 129 duplicate reports for Sandbox: deny(1) mach-lookup 33917: error 09:09:22.403042-0500 kernel System Policy: curl(3204) deny(1) system-privilege 10006 33918: default 09:09:22.406055-0500 mDNSResponder [R783] DNSServiceQueryRecord(1D000, 0, <mask.hash: 'Zt0Dfjkfx+hqh/cHBsrRZA=='>, Addr) STOP PID[3204](curl) 33919: default 09:09:22.406183-0500 mDNSResponder [R784] DNSServiceQueryRecord(1D000, 0, <mask.hash: 'wSjsuyOuBULV+n0q4hvt6g=='>, AAAA) STOP PID[3204](curl) 33920 default 09:09:22.680341-0500 Safari [0x140830a00] CVDisplayLinkStart 33921 default 09:09:22.680449-0500 Safari [0x140830a20] CVDisplayLink::start ..... 33931 default 09:09:23.188817-0500 Safari 0x1090048d0 - [PID=0, throttler=0x10906d8d8] ProcessThrottler::Activity::Activity: Starting background activity / 'RemoteObjectRegistry invocation' 33932 default 09:09:23.190171-0500 Safari 0x1090048d0 - [PID=0, throttler=0x10906d8d8] ProcessThrottler::Activity::invalidate: Ending background activity / 'RemoteObjectRegistry invocation' 33933: error 09:09:23.227658-0500 kernel 1 duplicate report for System Policy: curl(3204) deny(1) system-privilege 10006
by Jeff Lu.
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Hi All, Recently I received customer report that my service extension suddenly stop working, and it worked fine for a while. I reviewed the Customer report, and found Service extension stop at in the middle of nowhere, and it does not wake up afterwards. one of the device has service extension log, but I can't parse it. once service extension get into this state, rebooting device / terminating app does not help, only remove/re-install will make it work again according to customer's report. Here are my question: How to detect Service extension stop working? it is hard to reproduce on my side. Can anyone help me to parse the crash and identify the root cause? Thanks in advance. ServiceExtension-2022-10-11-010133.txt
by Jeff Lu.
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Hi All I recently found that wrong deactivate audio session event was received on app when user end Celluar call. Here is my step: App report to CallKit an incoming call and answer it. Device receive Celluar call, and user choose Hold/Accept. and app is notified by held action on Call Provider delegate. User end Celluar call. Expected : app is supposed to receive activate Audio session or unheld event Real result: app receive did deactivate event. which cause app to shut audio session. Can anyone correct on this scenario? Thanks,
by Jeff Lu.
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Hi All, Since iOS 15.x, We don't need to take .dsym file to parse the crash, and it is readable, but hard to understand. such crash signature: "vmSummary" : "ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=840.5M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=840.5M(100%)\nWritable regions: Total=603.5M written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=603.5M(100%)\n\n VIRTUAL REGION \nREGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) \n=========== ======= ======= \nActivity Tracing 256K 1 \nCG raster data 144K 3 \nColorSync 48K 3 \nCoreAnimation 416K 12 \nFoundation 16K 1 \nImage IO 3696K 10 \nKernel Alloc Once 32K 1 \nMALLOC 593.4M 101 \nMALLOC guard page 192K 12 \nSQLite page cache 256K 4 \nSTACK GUARD 240K 15 \nStack 9008K 27 \nVM_ALLOCATE 176K 3 \n__AUTH 4558K 481 \n__AUTH_CONST 25.0M 632 \n__DATA 18.4M 632 \n__DATA_CONST 25.5M 638 \n__DATA_DIRTY 2729K 531 \n__FONT_DATA 4K 1 \n__LINKEDIT 194.0M 14 \n__OBJC_CONST 6358K 441 \n__OBJC_RO 91.2M 1 \n__OBJC_RW 3488K 1 \n__TEXT 646.5M 660 \n__UNICODE 588K 1 \ndyld private memory 1024K 1 \nlibnetwork 128K 8 \nmapped file 194.9M 59 \nshared memory 48K 3 \n=========== ======= ======= \nTOTAL 1.8G 4297 \n", "legacyInfo" : { "threadTriggered" : { "queue" : "" } }, How to interpret such crash log, and what is best way to catch or debug, just enable Zombie or something else? Thanks VCS-2022-02-01-162044.log
by Jeff Lu.
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VCS-2022-01-04-135942.log My app works fine on almost case, However once I update my Xcode to Xcode 13.2, and run app on iOS 15.2 it will crash on some reason, Here is crash signature: [Here is crash signature](
by Jeff Lu.
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Hi All, I have an independent iOS app runs on iPhone, and there is no Apple Watch app associated. However, when my app fire notification, it will post to Apple Watch. My question is: is there a way to block app fired notification transferred to Apple Watch programatically by app setting or code update? Customer does not like to those notification fired on Apple Watch.
by Jeff Lu.
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I am trying to debug some network traffic on iOS 15 beta, When I connect device with USB and try the command rvictl -s [device Token], it always return [Failure]. How to enable this command works.
by Jeff Lu.
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Hi All, I am working on VoIP application, when a call receive, my app will activate audio session with playandrecord. However, the issue is during a call, if there Alarm triggered, like set Clock Timer count down for 5 seconds, when 5 seconds clock Alarm triggered, my app will receive Category update event, and switch my audio session from playandrecord to playback. the alarm does not send interrupt notification. AVAudioSessionRouteChangePreviousRouteKey = "<AVAudioSessionRouteDescription: 0x282bd5e60, \ninputs = (\n \"<AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x282bd66d0, type = MicrophoneBuiltIn; name = iPhone Microphone; UID = Built-In Microphone; selectedDataSource = (null)>\"\n); \noutputs = (\n \"<AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x282bd63f0, type = Receiver; name = Receiver; UID = Built-In Receiver; selectedDataSource = (null)>\"\n)>"; AVAudioSessionRouteChangeReasonKey = 3; }} What is best to check such event to reactive audio session with correct category. if I do it on cellular call, once the Alarm is triggered, it will play vibration, there is tone at all.
by Jeff Lu.
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