Watch OS 5 update says not connected to Internet

I went to check for a Apple Watch OS and it says not connected to Internet. I am definetly connected via Internet on my iPhone 6 so I am lost at what to try. I have done the following

1. Switched the iPhone and Watch into Airplane mode then back on

2. Rebooted the watch and the iPhone

Not sure what to do next, any ideas would be welcome.

Same here in brasil

I’m having the same issue.

Same here (Spain)

same here in texas USA

Strange enough, installing the watch beta profile on the phone as well as on the watch fixed the problem for me!

Things to try:

1. Hard reboot watch and iPhone

2. Reinstall profiles to watch and to iPhone

3. Turn off WiFi Assist (under 'Cellular')

4. Unpair and repair Watch

5. Reset Network Settings

6. Check WiFi on Watch (under Settings)

7. Confirm that iPhone and Watch are connected (green icon left upper corner after swipe down)

8. Repeat till it works or wait till tomorrow :-)

Same with Series 1.

I already tried removing profiles, rebooting devices, resetting network settings—no help.

Please install the latest profiles.

I installed both on watch and iphone it helped

the watch, while charging wouldn't "connect to the internet" but once

I took it off the charger and unlocked it, it started updating.

Hope this works for you too.

For my iPhone 7 + Series 2, I realized that my phone <-> watch didn't appear to even have reliable communication: the widgets weren't keeping up-to-date and most actions that required inter-device communication were flaky at best. My iPhone updated to the latest beta (2 and 3) just fine, but the watch was stuck on beta 1 due to the same "not connected to the internet" problem. For me, I had to:

1) Un-pair the watch (which ultimately failed from the phone)

2) Reset/erase the watch (which appeared to fail, but upon a manual reboot was successfully wiped)

3) Re-pair the devices. I setup the watch as a new device; not sure if this was required, but my confidence was so low at this point that it seemed the most likely successful path forward.

4) Re-install the beta profile on the watch.

5) OTA update was recognized at this point, and I was able to update the watch.

Hope that helps somebody else.

I have the same issue but haven't been able to get it working on either beta 4 or 5. Unpaired, reset apple watch, repaired and setup as new watch. Removed and reinstalled beta profile multiple times on both watch and phone. Also tried resetting network settings and turning wifi assist off. Anyone knows of a fix? 🤔

I’m having the same issue.

I am having the same issue.. going to see if reinstalling the profile will work.

What’s the correct way to un-pair and re-pair a Beta Watch? I’ve had problems with this in the pass.

Had this worked for anyone experiencing issues with Beta 5?

I had the same issue and these steps seems working for me:

  1. Check if the Beta Profile installed on the Watch first. (If you had unpaired it before, it's very likely uninstalled too.)
  2. Reboot the watch
  3. In my case, even though my phone is connected with the watch, the watch does not seems to be connected to network. You can test this with watch apps like Email, Weather etc.
  4. Go to your watch settings -> Wi-Fi -> Manually select your WiFi network
  5. You should be able see if it's connected, go back to those watch apps and they should start loading.
  6. Now use your phone's watch companion app, and try to check for update. It might take a while to load.

Hope it helps.

I have the same problem in france...

I restart aw and iphone nothing

airplaine mode nothing

install or uninstall profil nothing

Pair and unpair aw nothing

Im on beta 5.

Tried everything. Nothing works for me.

Watch: Unpair, reset, reinstall profile every time (set up as "new watch" each time). Tried Wifi on the watch. Airplane moded it. Tried while charging, and on wrist.

Phone: Reinstall profile. Tried different connections: VPN, 4G, Wifi, Airplane moded it.

In Feedback app: Settings -> My beta devices: Only my iPhone is shown here. Same for you?

Checked that no one removed my UUID for the watch. Nothing will get it the find beta 6 update. Just the **** message about "not connected to the internet".

I was finally able to get this to work. Had to remove profile on both watch and phone, then reinstalled profile on watch. Once that was installed and watch was rebooted I forced the watch to use an internet connection (just opened an app that uses an internet connection) and then the upgrade to beta 6 worked fine.

Beta 6 also resolved the issues with workouts not tracking calories and distance.

After installing ios 12 developer beta 7 on my phone, I was able to install watchos 5 developer beta 7 on my phone and all issues I was experiencing have dissappeared (not connected to internet & activity). Battery life seems to have improved as well.


does is really help ? iOS 12 was pull out from download ...



For me yes, it really did help and solve the issues I was having, I was able to update before the new beta was pulled.

Same problem here with iPhone 6 and AW S1.

Only solution is to unpair it from your iPhone 6 and pair it with an iPhone X with iOS 12 beta 6 or higher.

then the AW can update to latest beta.

unpair and pair it to your iPhone 6 again.

looks like a specific problem with iPhone 6 in combination with Watch.

This is not specific to the iPhone 6/AW S1 combination. I am using an iPhone X/AW S1 combination and had the same issue. Like I mentioned in my comment above, after updating my iPhone to beta 7 (now 8) my AW was then able to connect to the internet and update to beta 7.

It is a strange issue again, I updated to beta 7 and instaled after the watchos profil but still the same issue that not connected to internet. I am tired of unpair and pair again several times for the updates.

Watch OS 5 update says not connected to Internet