Application Services

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Apple Podcasts Latest iOS 17 bug
For my iPhone 13 Pro Max, the current beta's (Developer Beta 6 and Public Beta 4), there has been issues with the Apple Podcasts App. When I try to refresh to check for new episodes, it's takes way too long to load new episodes. It takes about 1-2 minutes to display the latest episode. My Wi-Fi internet speed and my cellular data is fast and I did not have this issue on the previous beta's. I deleted the Apple podcast app multiple times and I deleted all of my downloaded podcasts/episodes and yet no resolution. I even enrolled my iPAD Pro, with the current Beta's and it's still the same problem. I even reset my phone to factory settings and it's still a problem. As a result, I went back to iOS 16.6 because of this podcast bug. Hopefully in the next beta, the update fixes this problem. Is anyone else having this issue?
Aug ’23
iOS Health Application Bluetooth Data Transfer - Background Processing Issue
Hello, Our application is a health application that functions alongside a device transferring data via Bluetooth. There is continuous data transfer happening from this device. However, when operated on an iOS device, the application gets cut off in the background after a certain duration, negatively impacting the user experience. As is known, the background services of an application being terminated after a certain period is generally associated with how iOS manages system resources. In our case as well, we came across this issue before we implemented a formatted background task. Therefore, to address this situation, we used a formatted background task in our application, but the problem still persists. Unable to resolve the issue, we decided to analyze how other Bluetooth devices work on iOS devices. For example, when an electronic watch is connected, the Bluetooth connection never gets cut off. However, why can't we achieve the same performance with our device? I would be extremely grateful if you could shed technical insight on this matter and share your experiences. Furthermore, if you have any recommendations on how to handle such situations, I would love to hear all about them. Thanks in advance for your help.
Jul ’23
Cannot get rid of current postgres installation
Ths installer created the .plist entry in /Library/LaunchDaemons/postgresql-15 and uninstaller left that intact. Because of this I cannot reinstall new version of postgres application as I alway get the message that an instance of this app is alredy running - no wonder, since the launchd daemon starts this at each reboot. How can I delete / remove that "postgresql-15.plist" file?
Jul ’23