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Is there a way to modify the SignInWithAppleButton so that only the Apple logo appears? According to Apple's guidelines, it's permissible to use only the icon. Unfortunately, the button isn't customizable. However, I need a button that utilizes the logic of onRequest and onCompletion. Here's my current code using the standard SignInWithAppleButton. SignInWithAppleButton(.signIn, onRequest: { request in print("Apple ID Request") AppleSignInManager.shared.requestAppleAuthorization(request) }, onCompletion: { result in print("Apple ID Completion") handleAppleID(result) } ) .font(.title) .signInWithAppleButtonStyle(.white) .frame(height: 50) I tried exploring various SwiftUI customization options for the SignInWithAppleButton, such as adjusting its style or overlaying it with a custom image. I was expecting to find a way to remove the text and display only the Apple logo, as permitted by Apple's guidelines. However, I found that the SignInWithAppleButton isn't easily customizable in this way. So, I'm seeking guidance on alternative approaches to achieve the desired customization while still maintaining the functionality provided by the onRequest and onCompletion handlers.
by zikomiko.
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Hello, it is discussed here (12:16) regarding WorkoutComposition, but unfortunately, I cannot find this class or structure in the documentation. Has this concept been removed?
by zikomiko.
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With CustomWorkout, I can assign a name (displayName) to workouts, which also appears in the Workout app. Unfortunately, this parameter is missing for common workouts such as SingleGoalWorkout. Is there a reason for this? I find it inconvenient when the name is missing CustomWorkout init(activity: HKWorkoutActivityType, location: HKWorkoutSessionLocationType, displayName: String?, warmup: WorkoutStep?, blocks: [IntervalBlock], cooldown: WorkoutStep?) SingleGoalWorkout init(activity: HKWorkoutActivityType, location: HKWorkoutSessionLocationType, swimmingLocation: HKWorkoutSwimmingLocationType, goal: WorkoutGoal)
by zikomiko.
Last updated