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Hello After updating my/our devices to iOS 17 (or XCode 15, not entirely sure), the custom fonts in our application have started randomly not working. Usually it will happen after the app has been in the background for a while. What happens is that: The fonts either don't load at all. For icon fonts, this means a lot of question marks. The fonts get swapped around, meaning regular text (Roboto, custom font) starts rendering using the icon font (Font Awesome). I can tell because I recognize the font from development. I have no idea how to reproduce it. I tried simulating the memory warning on the simulator, but that doesn't trigger it. It did not happen when building for iOS 16 and I did not change any font logic since then. It still does not happen on devices running iOS 17 but on versions of the app built with XCode 14. Some debug info: XCode: 15.0.1 (15A507) iOS: 17.1.1 (real device, I have not observed it on Simulator) We load the custom fonts from a proprietary SPM package: fileprivate static func registerFont(fontName: String, ext: String = "otf") { guard let fontURL = Bundle.module.url(forResource: fontName, withExtension: ext), let fontDataProvider = CGDataProvider(url: fontURL as CFURL), let font = CGFont(fontDataProvider) else { fatalError("Couldn't create font from filename: \(fontName).\(ext)") } var error: Unmanaged<CFError>? CTFontManagerRegisterGraphicsFont(font, &error) } public static func registerFonts() { registerFont(fontName: "Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400") registerFont(fontName: "Font Awesome 6 Duotone-Solid-900") registerFont(fontName: "Font Awesome 6 Pro-Light-300") registerFont(fontName: "Font Awesome 6 Pro-Regular-400") registerFont(fontName: "Font Awesome 6 Pro-Solid-900") registerFont(fontName: "Font Awesome 6 Pro-Thin-100") registerFont(fontName: "Font Awesome 6 Sharp-Light-300") registerFont(fontName: "Font Awesome 6 Sharp-Regular-400") registerFont(fontName: "Font Awesome 6 Sharp-Solid-900") registerFont(fontName: "Roboto-Medium", ext: "ttf") registerFont(fontName: "Roboto-Regular", ext: "ttf") registerFont(fontName: "RobotoMono-Regular", ext: "ttf") } // Similar methods for all font types and icons: @objc public static func getDefaultFont(size: CGFloat) -> UIFont { return UIFont.init(name: "Roboto-Regular", size: size) ?? UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: size); } This code is the called in didFinishLaunching, and it would crash the app if it failed: FontHandler.registerFonts() To reiterate, all the fonts work when launching the app. Restarting the app always fixes it, which, combined with the fact that they get swapped around, leads me to believe that it's some kind of font caching issue. We use the fonts in code-only (no storyboards or xibs ever). A font would be loaded like this: let label = UILabel() label.font = FontHandler.getDefaultFont(size: 15) The font files ship with the SPM package itself, which contains the FontHandler class used above. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "MyPackageName", defaultLocalization: "en", platforms: [ .iOS(.v11) ], products: [ .library( name: "MyPackageName", targets: ["MyPackageName"]), ], targets: [ .target( name: "MyPackageName", resources: [ .process("Fonts") ]), .testTarget( name: "MyPackageNameTests", dependencies: ["MyPackageName"]), ] )
by nickdnk.
Last updated
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HelloOur app does not allow users to register from within the app. They must register elsewhere (on our website) and can then use the app after the fact. We use Facebook login, which would require us to implement Sign In With Apple, but this leaves us in an odd situation that we don't know how to solve as we're not sure of the rules.Currently, if you log in with a Facebook account that has no ties to an account, you will not be allowed to proceed and you must use your Facebook account when you sign up on our website. Or if you already have an account, you must go to our website, log in and then connect your Facebook account. Our plan is to implement a similar logic for Sign In With Apple, but *something* tells me this would not be acceptable to App reviewers.There is no good solution for this. For a strict "Apple login must work" workaround we can let users sign in with Apple and access a user account that has no content and serves no purpose. Our app is not meaningful in this way and it will lead to confusion: Our system is a SaaS which makes it impossible to onboard users inside the app, as the app cannot be used unless you've already been granted access to the SaaS platform by an administrator.Would it be acceptable to reject a Sign in With Apple request if no user account exists? Remember that this is equivalent(*) to how Facebook is implemented, which is what the app review guidelines indicate as the requirement . Could we ask testers to provide an Apple user ID that we can connect to a user in our database for the login-flow to work correctly?(*)Apps that use a third-party or social login service (such as Facebook Login, Google Sign-In, Sign in with Twitter, Sign In with LinkedIn, Login with Amazon, or WeChat Login) to set up or authenticate the user’s primary account with the app must also offer Sign in with Apple as an **equivalent** option.
by nickdnk.
Last updated