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The iOS App Sandbox plays a pivotal role in ensuring the secure testing of In-App Purchases (IAPs) without impacting real users. To utilize the sandbox, set up your app's IAPs in App Store Connect. Begin by importing the StoreKit framework and fetching product information using SKProductsRequest. Once products are retrieved, initiate purchases through SKPaymentQueue. Implement the SKPaymentTransactionObserver to handle transaction updates, distinguishing between successful, failed, and restored purchases. When testing, remember to use test user accounts and sign in to the App Store with a test account on your device. This ensures a controlled environment for validating IAPs during development. URL - swift Copy code import StoreKit class YourViewController: UIViewController, SKProductsRequestDelegate, SKPaymentTransactionObserver { func fetchProducts() { let productIdentifiers: Set<String> = ["com.yourapp.product1", "com.yourapp.product2"] let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: productIdentifiers) request.delegate = self request.start() } func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse) { let products = response.products // Handle retrieved products } func request(_ request: SKRequest, didFailWithError error: Error) { // Handle error } func purchaseProduct(product: SKProduct) { let payment = SKPayment(product: product) SKPaymentQueue.default().add(payment) } func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) { for transaction in transactions { switch transaction.transactionState { case .purchased: // Handle successful purchase case .failed: // Handle failed purchase case .restored: // Handle restored purchase default: break } } } }
by ControlF5.
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Hey, fellow iOS developers! I'm working on an app for iOS 17 and need to implement single-side printing using the AirPrint API. I've done some research, but I'm still facing a few challenges. Can anyone provide guidance or share some sample code to achieve this? I've already imported the UIKit and MobileCoreServices frameworks and have set up the basic AirPrint functionality. Now, I'm looking specifically for instructions and code to enable single-sided printing. URL - Test code `**import UIKit import MobileCoreServices // Set up AirPrint functionality func printDocument() { let printController = UIPrintInteractionController.shared let printInfo = UIPrintInfo(dictionary: nil) printInfo.outputType = .general printController.printInfo = printInfo let formatter = UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter(markupText: "Your printable content goes here") formatter.perPageContentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 36, left: 36, bottom: 36, right: 36) printController.printFormatter = formatter printController.present(animated: true) { (controller, success, error) in if success { print("Printing completed successfully") } else if let error = error { print("Printing failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } }**`
by ControlF5.
Last updated