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Hi Folks, I've been researching how to implement a feature in my ios app that changes the app icon based on the user's location, essentially localizing the app icon. I'm aware of alternateIconName, but I'd like to avoid prompting the user to choose an icon themselves. Are there any other workarounds to achieve this? Thank you, Camron
by Camron.
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Hi Folks, We have an app using StoreKit 1 (migrating soon). Sandbox testing worked well until recently. Now, the Restore API throws an error (ASDServerErrorDomain Code=5002: "An unknown error occurred"). We're using the latest Xcode/iOS on real devices. Purchase works fine, but Restore fails in Dev only (Prod is okay). Any idea what might have changed? Thank you, Kam
by Camron.
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Hi Folks, I noticed today after my second build was uploaded to TestFlight, my CFBundle version which should look like a 'date. time' string will be changed to 2023 and if I upload a new one it will be changed to 2024, etc. This is what is seen in my organizer window in Xcode before upload but what I see in TestFlight is: If I upload a new one, it bumps the build number to 2024 All looked good until I had to upload my second build and this happened. I know it's just a test flight's build# but wonder why that is changing on the second and the next builds? the first build was good! Thanks
by Camron.
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I build my iOS app on a machine(build machine- MacMini Xcode 13.2.1) with a valid distribution profile/certificate and upload it to our in-house distribution center (AppCenter) where the other registered devices(test devices) can download & run the app. At some point in the past, something has been changed and all devices after receiving the build and downloading the app, right at the launch time seeing the crash of the app- the log in console says: error 15:31:47.331479-0500 SpringBoard Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x153da32f0; application<com.myapp.companyname>:> with error: <NSError: 0x280139ec0; domain: RBSRequestErrorDomain; code: 5; reason: "Launch failed."> { NSUnderlyingError = <NSError: 0x280138ea0; domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain; code: 85>; } error     16:39:27.769869-0500  SpringBoard       Scene FBSceneManager/sceneID: com.myapp.companyname update failed: <NSError: 0x2820ec360; domain: FBSceneErrorDomain; code: 1 (operation-failed); reason: "Scene update failed."> {    NSUnderlyingError = <NSError: 0x2820dfc90; domain: FBWorkspaceScene; code: 1; reason: "Client process exited.">; } I believe this is something about an invalid certificate that does not let the app launch on other machines. I did a quick test: instead of using my build machine, I used the same distribution profile on another machine and build the same Xcode project and when I upload IPA to AppCenter, the other devices can run the app perfectly. I checked the emebedded.mobileprovision file content from both machines(one that works on all machines, and one that crashes on all machines: that is my build machine) and they look similar (certification date, Identifiers, Developer certificates, entitlements, expiration... ) Any idea what could be wrong? or what other places I can search for the reason for the crash? It's very frustrating!! btw, I tried to remove the cache data, restart the machine,...etc but no luck -seems all builds from the build machine won't be able to run on any devices! Any help is appreciated, Camron
by Camron.
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