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Is the timeout for session-level authentication challenge handling documented somewhere? For example, if I get the urlSession(_:didReceive:) callback for server trust authentication, how long do I have to invoke the completion handler (or return from the callback if using Swift Concurrency)? Or is this completely dependent on the server's settings?
by Aqua_Geek.
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I noticed that the async/await methods on URLSession do not include any support for passing the priority of the requests like you can with URLSessionTask.priority. Is there any way to set the relative priority of these requests, or is that something that we shouldn't worry about?
by Aqua_Geek.
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In our existing code, we have a couple of CLLocationManager instances that update location at different frequencies. In one part of our code, rather than grab the location from those handed back in the delegate callback, we grab it via CLLocationManager.location. We've noticed that this location manager's location gets updated out-of-band by updates to other instances. A couple of questions: Is this expected behavior? I couldn't find any documentation on this one way or the other. Do all instances of CLLocationManager share updates to the last-known location? Is there a way to KVO updates to that property? It doesn't seem to be KVO-compliant in my testing.
by Aqua_Geek.
Last updated