How to create a 'sub' menu in a contextual menu in Safari extension using info.plist


The titel says it al.

How to create a sub menu in a contextual menu in Safari extension using info.plist?

I did read the docs about the plist and contextual menu's but can't find aything about adding a sub menu.

I did try several way's to inject a sub menu item into the contextual menu but no result.

I want to have f.e

An menu with sub meu's like

"Speak in..." ---> "Dada"
              ---> "Goa'ould"
              ---> "Martian"
              ---> "Klingon"

where Dada, Goa'ould", "Martian" and "Klingon are sub menu's from the contextual menu Add into..

Suggestions or/and pointers to the docs about this?

Thank you very much.


Looked into CSS? Seen this document?

There are two additional capabilities that you can specify in the plist:

  • SFSafariStyleSheet
    An array of dictionaries to specify CSS files to load into every page, or pages from a limited subset of URLs. This capability is described in detail in Injecting CSS Styling into a Page.
  • ...