Will the AMD Radeon RX 580 GPU work with the new HTC Vive Pro?

HTC has annocuned pre-orders for the new HTC Vive Pro.


Will it work with the curent external enclosure & the AMD Radeon RX 580 GPU? I would not be surprised if a new GPU is required. I am intending to use my MacBook Prol I have already got the external graphic development kit.


It will work just fine. The only thing adding requirements is the resolution you want to render at.

If performance is an issue, you can still render at normal HTC Vive resolution and still benefit from the increased DPI on the Pro's screen.

turns out: no. it doesn't work. not at all.

SteamVR mac seems to have been abandonded in Beta, and it's the only option for VR on the mac.

the headset seems to work just fine. aspects of SteamVR seem to work just fine... anything that presents content, is thoroughly buggy. and it's buggy in a way that makes me think it was sabotaged.