TextureAtlas jet_Context_OpenGL crash on iPhone 5C but works in Simulator

I have a crash report with the stack trace below coming from the iPhone 5C. It occurs when I call presentScene and my scene's didMove(to view) is called when I try to start using textures from a texture atlas. I thought I'd be able to load up the iPhone 5 simulator and reproduce the issue but no such luck. It works fine in the simulator. Anyone know possible causes of this or things I might try. I'm pretty sure a simple spritekit game should be able to run fine on an iPhone 5C w/ iOS 10.3.x.

in __pthread_kill ()
in pthread_kill ()
in abort ()
in __assert_rtn ()
in jet_context_OpenGL::create_texture_from_IOSurface(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, jet_texture_format, unsigned int) ()
in __65+[SKTexture(Private) textureWithIOSurfaceID:width:height:format:]_block_invoke ()
in ___Z27SKCPerformResourceOperationU13block_pointerFvNSt3__110shared_ptrI11jet_contextEEE_block_invoke ()
in _dispatch_client_callout ()
in _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke ()
in SKCPerformResourceOperation(void (std::__1::shared_ptr<jet_context>) block_pointer) ()
in +[SKTexture(Private) textureWithIOSurfaceID:width:height:format:] ()
in -[SKTextureAtlas loadTexturesFromCUIImageAtlas:] ()
in -[SKTextureAtlas loadTextures] ()
in +[SKTextureAtlas atlasNamed:] ()
in _T08RNBounce13TextureHelperCACyc33_5F38F855DF69730658ADF3BDA0BE205FLlfc ()
in globalinit_33_5F38F855DF69730658ADF3BDA0BE205F_func12 ()
in _dispatch_client_callout ()
in dispatch_once_f ()

Accepted Reply

If anyone comes across something like this, turns out it was simply an images that was larger than the phone liked. There are supported sizes listed for images but apparently they aren't always true for physical devices. Removing the large image immediately fixed things.


If anyone comes across something like this, turns out it was simply an images that was larger than the phone liked. There are supported sizes listed for images but apparently they aren't always true for physical devices. Removing the large image immediately fixed things.