Why isn't the `count` parameter of type `UIInt` in `String.init(repeating:count:)`?

Although the swift documentation says that developers should "avoid" using UIInt,

it also says "Swift is a type safe language and encourages you to be clear about the types of values your code can work with.".

So why isn't the `count` parameter of type `UIInt` in `String.init(repeating:count:)`?

Note: It crashes if you pass a negative number

Accepted Reply

But I am still wondering why for that specific method for example, the decision was to crash if a negative number is passed instead of protecting the method call by making it not to accept invalid inputs using


Because once you start adding unsigned in one place it starts to spread through your code like a plague (-: For example, imagine you have an array of strings

and you want to create a ‘clear’ copy, where each element in the empty string. You might write this:
let a: [String] = ["Hello", "Cruel", "World!"]
var b = [String](repeating: "", count: a.count)

If the

parameter to
, then the
property on the array would have to be
as well.

Now imagine

is used to populate the rows in a
. For example:
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return b.count


has to use
to represents rows and row counts. However,
makes extensive use of
, meaning that
has to use
as well. And so on.

Having gone down this path in C I’m very happy with the change of direction that Swift has taken.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"


It's a kind of philosophical decision. In Swift, the various integer types are all fully type safe, and there's no auto-converting from one to another. (You have to explicitly convert instead.) That means mixing types is painful. The easiest solution, or at least the one Swift took, is to standardize on Int as the "normal" integer type. If you stick with Int everywhere, then you don't have to load down the code with conversions. Range restrictions (such as "must be >= 0") are then implemented as API preconditions.

You run into the same kind of issue often with C# on Windows. If you use UInt for values that cannot be negative, you start to run into conversion annoyances when you try to index into arrays and lists, and it's often just easier to use Int — the type that's already used by the APIs you want.

It's also worth noting that Cocoa generally uses NSUInteger as its "standard" type in Obj-C, except when it doesn't. (Table views, for example, uses NSInteger for row indexes, so that they can return -1 for a not-found row result.) Both NSInteger and NSUInteger bridge to Int in Swift by default, which is counter-intuitive but preferable.

>It crashes if you pass a negative number

Which version Swift does that/are you using?

From the Swift 4.2 change log...

"The C

family of types are now imported into Swift as
, since Swift prefers sizes and counts to be represented as signed numbers, even if they are non-negative."

There’s also a historical perspective on this. C originated in a world where

was 16 bits, so the difference in range between signed and unsigned was really important. Swift originated in a world where
was 32 bits, where that difference is much less relevant. Moreover, the Swift
type is pointer sized, so for the majority of its platforms
is actually 64-bits, where the range you lose by ignoring signed versus unsigned is quite irrelevant.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"

Ok, it makes sense.

But I am still wondering why for that specific method for example, the decision was to crash if a negative number is passed instead of protecting the method call by making it not to accept invalid inputs using UIInt.

But I am still wondering why for that specific method for example, the decision was to crash if a negative number is passed instead of protecting the method call by making it not to accept invalid inputs using


Because once you start adding unsigned in one place it starts to spread through your code like a plague (-: For example, imagine you have an array of strings

and you want to create a ‘clear’ copy, where each element in the empty string. You might write this:
let a: [String] = ["Hello", "Cruel", "World!"]
var b = [String](repeating: "", count: a.count)

If the

parameter to
, then the
property on the array would have to be
as well.

Now imagine

is used to populate the rows in a
. For example:
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return b.count


has to use
to represents rows and row counts. However,
makes extensive use of
, meaning that
has to use
as well. And so on.

Having gone down this path in C I’m very happy with the change of direction that Swift has taken.

Share and Enjoy

Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"

Great answer. Thank you so much for clarifying this