Non-commercial HAP open source project to be homekit accessory products ?

As I know apple homekit SDK requires more RAM usage and it's hard to be used on some small memory platform. Some open source projects are using non-commercial HAP and mDNS implementation

Can we use it for apple homekit accessory product MFI certification ?

Do we must use apple homekit SDK for their homekit accessory product certification ?


>Some open source projects are using non-commercial HAP and mDNS implementation. Can we use it for apple homekit accessory product MFI certification ?

I think that MFI expects that the commercial version HAP is used, not the non-commercial version.

Many device manufacturers have their own HomeKit solutions (ready SDK with examples) and make them available to registered MFi developers. Ex. Espressif (ESP32), Nordic Semi (nRF52, nRF51…). This is non expansive chips and modules.