Carplay app browser as client issue.

Dear friend,

I encounter a issue using Carplay connect to device as client mode,the detail as following:

1.version info:

Communication Plug-in version: R14G17 (06/19/2017)



We use sample code AppleCarplay_AppStub.c for reference.

After we connect to device and disconnect device through usb cable as many times,

Everytime, CarPlayControlClientStart function to sned command "connect" command to devcie,this process is success.

then CarPlayControlClientEventCallback will be invoked. As the code snippet:

if (event == kCarPlayControlClientEvent_AddOrUpdateController)



count = CFArrayGetCount(gCarPlayControllers);

if (count == 1)


// Try to connect if this is the only client

int i;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)


err = CarPlayControlClientConnect(gCarPlayControlClient, controller);


We found if the issue occured, the count will more than 1,and the function CarPlayControlClientConnect can't be invonked,so the Carplay will not connect

success to device.

We find the callback can't be called,when issue occurs,including EVENT kCarPlayControlClientEvent_RemoveController can't be excuted.

Please help me check the isusse,thanks very much.