HealthKit EMR

I am interested in accessing the Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) that are available in iOS 11.3 and the SDKs that come in the new iOS. I would expect that there would be new HKTypeIdentifiers for items such as labs, medications, vital, etc... . For these itmes I would hope to get some specific data like loinc codes for labs, CPTs for procedures, and perhaps IDCs (9 and/or 10) codes for medications.

So my question in when/if is Apple going to support getting data from EMRs into 3rd party apps.


Tom. McHale


Apple tends to avoid discussing future plans, and since it is usually just us devs here, feel free to make your needs heard by using the bug reporter link, below right, to make enhancement requests, being sure to add your report number here for reference, thanks and good luck.

Hey TJ;

I'm just curious to hear how much progress you've been able to make on this matter since March 2018 when you initially posted it.