interactiveOverlay is dismissable even "interactiveOverlayDismissable=false" on start up video

I am working on a project with video background.

I am following this guild (Listing 8-2)

Apply this interactiveOverlayDocument with a document, and the interactiveOverlayDismissable = false; statement.

Like this:

App.onLaunch = function(options) {
    var singleVideo = new MediaItem('video', 'http:/
    var videoList = new Playlist();
    var myPlayer = new Player();
    myPlayer.playlist = videoList;

    var parser = new DOMParser();
    var parsedDoc = parser.parseFromString(`<document>
                                           <text>Click Me</text>
                                           </document>`, "application/xml");

    myPlayer.interactiveOverlayDocument = parsedDoc;
    myPlayer.interactiveOverlayDismissable = false;;

However, when I launch the app, and press menu button, the button went away and the interactiveOverlay is dismissed.

Wondering if I am missing something here.


This shouldn't happen. Please file a bug report at

thanks a lot for the quick reply. sure I can create a bug:

Before that is reslove, is there any other ways, or work around to this problem you can recommend right now?


Try present() or play() on the player first before setting the interactiveOverlay* parameters

Thanks a lot for the quick reply!

I should had mention that I tried that, and I even went all the way to put the interactiveOverlay in the timeBoundaryDidCross callback and that still doesn't help